• "Hi! My name is Genesis. You know how your parents tell you once upon a time?? You know how you have fantasys you know about impossibities?? Well I live in the world of the impossible. I was born as the angel of life and death by my parents." I then turned to see a lost soul in the streets. Then jumped off the buliding. And spread my white and black wings. Jumping into the moon light and it looked like I was glowing this feeling I loved it. I then sended the soul to the judement arena to decide if He would go to heaven or hell." My world is the world you dream about. In my short 1000 year life I have learned two things. For every cause theres an effect in anyway and good and evil cannot exist without each other. For if we dont keep a balence we will all die!" For this reason I exist for this reason I was born I am the proctect of life and death good and evil. The balencer! I am Genesis. He Then flew into the moonlight of the night time sky...