• Once apon a time there was the cutest lil' puppy ya ever darn seen. he was nice and energetic.he was so friendly the little kids wernt even a bit scared 2 pet him. A new family moved on to the block so they saw him. they were so aw-struck by how nice and friendly he was that they took him home. they especialy knew he was nice was because he walked up to the children (who were SUPER afaid of alomost all animals) they smiled and pet him and started to play. there house was the senter of attention because people from all around would come to see the puppy. the family didnt know what to call the soon to be dog so they took ballots and handed then out to the neighbors and wanted some suggestions for names. after a week they got them all back. there were some weird names! for instance ther was Gregbert and Ezeqwam or Dailsom (yes with an M).Then the perfect name was found. Buddy heart !

    Then it happend.

    the worst day of buddys life. on cristmas day ther was a rumble out side. Badoosh! boom BOOM! then a faint rumbled 3nodding whee MEW 4laugh 3nodding ther was a big huge box with a bow set at the door. nobody Knew what it was.they unwraped the festeve wraping and saw 6 babys. not human babys but cat babys. Kittens persay. buddy knew from then on it was going to be a problem. he made a faint cry from his bed wich was a pile of sheets crying . then a looong sigh thinking how out side was bad with the cats that he didnt HAVE to live with. exclaim idea !then ther was an idea! idea exclaim he could actually run away....bu then he would be faced with the harsh elements and bad kids agen. "....sighhhhh.if there was only a way...." . rolleyes then there was some thing! just kill...i mean dispose of them!dig a hole then PLOP! cover it over!
    then when he was about to do the dirty deed....the kittens cuteness overwelmed him. 4laugh whee 4laugh 3nodding The eyes got to him : 3 he stopped and thougt. then he dragged the box to the warm crackling fire place. the box! its on fire!buddy goes and gets the glass of water that was left on the kitchen counter. the wet kittens crawl out of the box and start playing with buddy and befriending him. heart

    and they lived happily ever after.....

    ZE END!
    heart 4laugh xd