• Darkness. Darkness is all I've seen, all my life. Even when I thought I found a place where I could finally call home, it was taken away from me. Everywhere I go, there is always tradjedy, violence, and death in one form or another. I have had to resort to that pathway to survive, and-some people actually followed me. Even though I was a horrible person, living a half-life, people still folloewd me. I have always felt alone and in the dark. Not even the most miniscule twinkle of light leads me along a decent path. I have always felt hatred; hatred, even in most remote times of happiness. As I wait for the train to take me to my fate, I hope for the best. I wanted to be a good person, but I have seemed to have failed terribly. I have failed as a person, only because I was ever to focused on power. I have never known how to be a kind person. No one has ever taken the time to show me. Darkness is always what I have been shown. I'm just alone, alone in the corner, surrounded by darkness. . . (the person is voldemort, if you didn't get it in the title.)