• (recap of last legacy of kain game):Kain stormed the sarifan stronghold seeking mobius. He found him and he told kain were to find raziel. Raziel was in the future 500 years. (skip a few hours of gameplay) Raziel found yanos' body and searched for his heart. Kain and raziel find each other but they do not get off on the right foot. They fight and raziel rips out kains heart. Raziel returns the heart to yanos reviving him. Yanos got posesed by the hydon (a race of aliens) and fought raziel. Raziel lost. Kain went to find mobius once again and killed him, once again. Raziel possesed mobius' body and kain stabbed raziel with the reaver making kain see the elder god. Kain fought the elder god and thus ending the game.

    (and so we continue):
    As kain overlooked the land he remebered everything that had happened in his life. His army destroyed by alien races, his sons killed by raziel. The fall of his kingdom. The deaths of Mobius. Kain knew what he had to do. He had to find the alien mothership and destroy them all. Kain took flight as his body exploded into a million bats. He traveld to Nosgoth once again to find his past self. He failed oviously. He traveled to maridian and wandered the streets. searching for any clues. He found a tavern.

    The blood tavern Inn.
    Kain looked around and the tavern got quiet. It was a vampiric tavern. "I seek information." Said kain looking over the room carefully. The room started back up again and a female vampire walked up to him. "Your kain arent you?" said the woman. "How do you know me? explain!" The woman backed off in horror then answered. "Every one here knows kain, The blood thirsty vampire who saved nosgoth." The room cheered then went back to random chatter. "I seek out information on the wareabouts of the hyldon mothership." said kain baring his fangs. The room got quiet again. The woman took kains claw and pulled him to a seprate room.

    "No one really knows were the mothership is, if we knew we would of taken it down years ago." said the woman looking at kains chest. She noticed the scar and looked back up at him. "Your best chance of findig them is to get clues from vampires arond maridian. I will help you get to you next location." she said. she opened the door and walked him out of the tavern. She pointed to a tunnel. "Go through there. Youll find a vampire camp. they should know were to go next." Said the woman. "Thank you very much." Said kain walking off. She was surprized that kain thanked her and she walked back into the tavern with a blushing face.

    End of part 1

    (if you like this pm me and i can send you a copy thru pm)