• Have you ever had a relationship you never wanted to end? I have, many times, but only one is the piece that completes me. My name is Stranger, it is a very odd name, for a girl, but I liked it back when I was a true stranger to the world. I grew up parentless and friendless. Everyone I knew always asked me why I was so alone, I always answered that I liked it that way. I lied, the longing was always there, the longing for someone to accept me, as strange as I was. Acceptance as a whole, my name, my loneliness, my strangeness, my life, my everything...

    I continued my life as if nothing like that ever crossed my mind, secretly hoping my fantasies would live, rise from my dreams and sweep me off my feet. Keeping myself from crying was hard, because I knew my thoughts would never come true. Have I been forsaken? Am I cursed to forever be the stranger in this cold, cruel world? If you had asked me then, I would have answered 'yes' in an instant, but now I am not so sure.

    I kept pondering these questions for so long, that soon I saw them as true. Then as if to break me from this, he came, like rain on a summer day, unpredictable. His hair black as coal, and his eyes green like the pendant around my neck. I had never fallen in love, yet I knew that is what took place when I first laid eyes on him. I believe he felt the same as I did.

    We met in the light of the moon's pure cheer, knowing we had taken each other's hearts. 'Together until the end', we always said that to each other. Our love never had a chance, just days before we where to be wed, a rogue looking for riches he would never find, slew him, and my world. My heart turned to ice as I received the news, I died that day. I tried to love again, but my pain kept me from finding my happiness.

    Years have passed since then, now I lie here on my death bed telling you this sad story. I will not miss this world of pain and death, but I am still sad. Even now as my life slowly slips away from me, his words come to mind, 'together until the end'. Where is he now? Conciousness leaves me and I slip away into a black oblivion. Standing before the eternal land now, I wonder why I believed him.

    I walk through the undying terrain, and continue my pondering. Feeling as though it will be the same as on my mortal world. Alone, loveless, strange, I do not wish to feel this again. Again I continue as if I felt nothing. Then, I heard the sweetest of sounds, 'Together until the end'. A hand came suddenly on my shoulder, to turn me towards a smiling face...