• . :Chapter 1 Part 1: .
    The beginning

    Small crystals fell from the heavens above. Gradually, one by one they fell down upon my face. Vanishing in my straight white hair then melting its way down to my mocha colored skin in a steady pattern. The crystals are so bright compare to the murky midnight sky that lays above this busily crowd of people. My body lies on the cold bench in the park waiting for someone to help me get into my apartment one mile away from here. Kevin sent me a text, as being the most irritating older brother in the universe; it had been hours ago, telling me to wait at my apartment. However, I decided to go walking in the freezing cold then waiting for his lazy a** to help me. Suddenly, my vision slipped and my head ached. Lights mottled with the falling snow and buildings lost their autonomy in being separate from other things. Everything was like a picture that was blurred across a canvas. My eyes had no choice but to close.

    “Oh no, s-some one, please help me? Please, this boy! His head, his head is hurt!”—an ear shrieking feminine voice called out. That voice felt miles away from where I had been laying, however, so had the cars and the murmur of teenage voices had seemed to have has disappeared. “S-sir, is your head okay? Aw man, I’m getting sued.” The same voice said in the most defenseless tone ever. I felt my arm lift up from my body like it had a mind of its own. I had to help her, I just had too...

    A warm, gentle hand touched my head. It traced my fore head to my cheek, back up on to the top of my head where my horns are. As soon as the hand touched the air around my horns, my eyes shot open and I smacked away the pitch white hand that was there away from me.

    “Get your clammy hands away from me!” I shouted in self-defense rage. I knew this person had no care for me. Who would? My demon look of pure white hair that I would always keep down in front of my face; the front would just barely touch my eyes and the back would stroke my broad tan shoulders, my golden eyes would peek out of my hair whenever I had to look at something. Who could forget that I have two small horns that lie on my head? I had weird marking on my arms that would continue towards my muscular chest until both marks met. Of course, I had a white fox tail right above my a** to top all of that up.

    I felt the clammy hand come back in a slap against my cheek then to hold my face still. I traced the hand to the arm, then up to the face, which appeared to be a slim girl with silky laired black hair that would brush at her shoulders and parts would hide away her left eye, pure white skin that was radiant in the fluorescent light and dark violet eyes, which held a mixture of thoughts and feelings. The number one expression in her eyes was regret. Her beautiful face became taint with anxiety, fear and tears. Her eyes where looking right into me. She did not trail off to peer out at my faults, such as the horns or the markings. She was still as tears leaked out from her eyes like a dam with cracks.

    “Sir, is your head okay?” She softly said like she didn’t want anyone to know what she was asking. I almost felt like this was classified information. That voice dawned on me and I remembered hearing her before. My head began to ache as it did before, on that night.

    “Shoot, my—my head hurts like a b***h.” My words slowly trailed out. She slightly smiled and just continued to stare at me. Her eyes now held so many emotions; there were practically no emotion in her eyes.
    “I bet it does hurt, I dropped my bag on your head. I—I did not notice you being there.” She gave a wiry smile.
    “What the hell do you carry in your bag?” I said, voice rising.
    “College book, Computer, Stuff…” She softly said as she placed her hand on my head where most of the pain was coming from. My face cringed and I smacked her hand away.

    “The hell is wrong with you? That hurt!” I screamed at her. A nurse scurried in here, her face red as an apple and shooed the girl away. She had this cocky expression that made me think that she attempted to read my mind, thinking I wanted someone to get this girl out of here and obviously failed.
    “Hey, hey, what are you doing, who do you think you are? I’m talking to her.” I told the nurse in a questioning angry tone. She stopped at the doorway, finally finding out that mind reading doesn’t work, and pushed the girl in the room so hard she hit the corner of my bed frame. The nurse was apparently that embarrassed. I got out of the bed quickly to help her up unaware of the fact that I could barely walk. When I got her up, I checked to see if she was okay. When I agreed with myself that she was fine, I looked at her face. Her face was red, unlike the nurse in multiple ways. For one, her skin is usually white with no coloring of any sort and the nurse was so tan that it just wasn’t right.

    “Are you… okay?” I slowly asked her. She just looked at me with no expression. I put my hand on her scorching cheek.

    “What’s your name?” She slowly asked with wonder in her eyes.

    “Carlos Valentine.”

    “Kiara Cooper.”

    “Cooper? I know that last name. Is your sister Terra Cooper by any chance?” I asked her. I thought I was on to something until she gave me a stern look and got up in fury. I knew I had said something incorrect.
    “Do I look that old to you?” she violently asked me. Confusion filled my thoughts. Women… I did not know what to say so I tried to defend myself.

    “What? No, you’re young and kind of cute.” I slowly said in a dominant tone that started to disappear at the end of my sentence. She paused, moved me back to my bed, laid me down, and tucked me in. I stared at her the whole time. She was just staring out into space like she heard a noise and was listening for more information. “You know I’m not a little kid, right, Kiara?” Just right after I said that, the Nurse came in and grabbed Kiara like she was an inanimate object.

    “Visiting hours is over!” She snapped with a bit of attitude mixed in. I noticed that the Nurse was looking at me then looking at Kiara, but most of the time at me when she said that—not to be egotistical or anything. “Hey, don’t look at me, I’m just the Patient.” I said with a smart-a** tone. The nurse pause looked away, her face growing extra red due to embarrassment and continued to force Kiara out. “Wait a minute, hold on!” Kiara snapped with even more attitude mixed in at the nurse. “Carlos, my mother is Terra Cooper, retard!” She said as she was being rush out the door. I just stared as the nurse was pushing her.

    “Huh, so now I’m a retard.” My thoughts swirled around her. I thought about when I first heard her voice to when I finally saw her face. I closed my eyes with a peaceful smile and rested back down in the hospital bed.