• As I lie here in his arms, breathing in his scent, listening to the beat of his heart, I can't help wondering why he chose me. Of all the girls in the world, he chose me to hold in his arms. I can't quite understand how I appeal to this beautiful creature, this perfect human being.
    The very sound of his voice brings butterflies to my stomach. My hearts skips a beat when I see him walking towards me (walking towards me?). He moves so gracefully. If I didn't know better I would say he was dancing. But why has he chosen me as his dance partner? Why not someone as elegant and worthy as he?
    When his lips press against mine I feel a jolt of electricity fly through my body. My useless, clumsy body. I fall limply into his chest as I let him take over. How strange we must look. This ugly duckling underneath the wings of a beautiful swan.
    And when I rub my fingers along the gold band which wraps around the third finger of my left hand, I feel my heart begin to melt. A gold ring, solid yet charming, just like him. I wish I could say that the diamond implanted in the center resembled me. But, no, I could never fit so easily into his life. We could never be placed together in anything but a dream. We are the two extremes. One of us a god-like, statuesque being, the other nothing but a waste of space, rejected by the rest of the world. But yet, here we are, hand in hand, royalty and peasant, ready to face the rest of our lives, together, in unison.