• Robot Pirate Island
    This craziness all started last week. It was just any ordinary day. I went to my job at Dale-Tec, like usual. As I got so excited for the drone that is my everyday life, the elevator approached the 12th floor. As I was approaching my little cubicle my boss stopped me.
    “Sorry Jim, you’re fired.” he said.
    “Tired? No not really.” I replied.
    “Jim I said you were fired!” My boss growled back at me.
    “What? Why?” I had asked.
    “Oh, uh.” he stumbled. “I sort of lost you in a poker game last night. You now work over at Bob-Co across the street.”
    “Come on, you lost your best employee to our biggest rival?” I replied.
    “Well that Bob Flanagan has the best poker face I’ve ever seen.” My boss started. “As a matter of fact he won with a green uno card,a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, and a 7 of spades .
    So I started to pack up my stuff in a hurry, because my boss had also neglected to tell me to get over there in ten minutes or I was fired from there too. As I took my box across the busy New York street, I started thinking how big of an idiot my boss actually was, and how many times I’ve had to save his butt.
    “How can he do this to me!” I exclaimed “How dare he bet me like I was his kids!” Without paying much notice there was a taxi barreling down the street, in a sudden instant I was struck.
    After I don’t know what happened. But I found myself on a small raft out in the middle of the ocean, with an island shortly off in the distance. As I got up, I took a look of my surroundings. There was another man on this boat as well as me. I took a closer look and to my wondrous surprise it was my most hated co-worker, Adam! He wasn’t one of the smartest people in the world, as a matter of fact you could probably find a smarter person at a Bevis and Butthead convention.
    “Doug wake up!” I yelled as I threw a small rock at his head.
    “Huh?” he grumbled.
    “Wake up!” I yelled again.
    I didn’t take particular notice at him, but when he sat up he looked at me like I was a deep fried Twinkie covered in powdered sugar and dipped lightly in chocolate.
    “Food!” he said excitedly/
    Then at once he sprinted towards me and proceeded to chew on my arm.
    “Um what are you doing?” I asked.
    “Shut up food!” he yelled back at me.
    Before I could reply there was a loud canon shot off in the distance. This was proceeded by these weird plasma beams coming out towards the sky. As I took a closer look , these things were both coming from the island short off in the distance. But these things did not stop Doug’s unsuccessful chewing of my arm.
    “Umm hey, it’s me….” I started but was interrupted by a small buzzing noise. We were both suddenly whirled up in this green beam of light. I think I went unconscious again.
    I woke up some time later on this 17th century battleship. I looked around and there were a bunch of pirates scurrying around the deck. I decided to ask one of the pirates what was going on.
    “Um, excuse me Mr. Pirate guy.” I said to one of them. “What in the name of Voltron is going on here?”
    “Yarrrrharrr!” he screamed back in a pirate like tone.
    He then ran off and drew his hilted sword. Before I could talk to another, there was another plasma beam, but this time it hit one of the pirates and turned him into goo.
    “Holy snickeys!” I screamed. “I have to get out of here!”
    There was a huge rush of pirates running to the port side of the ship. I then realized there was a massive army of robots at that the beachhead. I then noticed a pirate who seemed like the Captain confront the General of the Robot army.
    “Yarr Yarrr.” the Captain said.
    “Beep boop” replied the robot.
    All of a sudden the two sides started fighting. There was musket shots going off, and a heavy clanging of metal, all accompanied by grunts and beeps.
    As I tried to escape I ran into Doug again, but he seemed less crazed than before.
    “DUDE!” he said. “What’s up man, I haven’t seen you in like 20 bagillion days man!”
    “Did you not notice the huge fighting going on!” I yelled. “ We need to get out of here!”
    Before he could reply a giant 200 foot robot stepped out of the ocean. All equipped with obviously visible missile launchers, and a huge nuke launcher attached to its front.
    “Oh boy.” I said