• he ran down the dark hallway. lights flickered on and off from a previous attacks they launched earlyer today. it seemed like day after day those humans were getting smarter.
    He hugged the wall, taking positon as he glanced around. looking around seeing his teammates take positions as well and give the door lock. The hallow beeping sound pinging everywhere. Clearly telling them that it was getting close to the explosion. To him it was just another day on the job.

    The door shattered. It fell at their feet as they started to glance down the hallway at what was on the other side. Almost instantly a soldier fell. Then another, they started firing down the hallway as the gun shots echoed everywhere. it slowly deafened them. The lone soldier watched the man simple take shots like they were rubberbands being flung at him. the suit he wore seemed to take no damage at all. The man slowly walked forward with a crowbar in one hand, A shotgun in the other as he slew another soldier with a soft thump. The lone soldier started to panic as he was alone against the man. For him, Time stood still. He dropped the gun slowly as he turn and ran back the way he came. The gun landed on the floor as he heard a soft thump. His vision went black as he fell to the floor. The radio in the suit was blaring a noise. at first it was distant and soft. but as time slowly became closer for him. it got louder and louder until he could not bare it. he prayed for the sound to leave him alone. slowly it started to fade away as he smiled gently. he closed his eyes. a wave of sleepyness wraped around him as he felt his body quickly become cold.

    Gordan stood over the dead body. dropping a empty shell on it as he reloaded. questioning why this lone soldier ran away. when all the others before him died for what they believed in. maybe it was him realizing that his cause was invalid. that what they had forced on the world was unjust. he shook his head as he pumped the shotgun. loading another shell into the chamber as he walked down the hall. already knowing there is another battle up ahead. gladdly accepting the fact that if he was going to save this world. he was going to have to kill more then one single soul or a group of soldiers. He was going to have to kill a entire army. And for him it was just another day to be alive.