• The ending to this story has already happened. Again and again, it always repeats. Then what the point, of this sad and bloody story? That the girl will always die? That her wings will crumple? That the guy will be alone, and always remember it was his fault his love one is dead? That he might as well be death his self? I don’t think so. I think it so one day, it will change. That the story will end better. But who can really know but the girl, the boy, and simple black feather.

    “Starla!” Starla jumped up and looked over at a girl with short red hair, like pure flames of a fire. She was tan, a little tall, at lest five foot six inches. The girl’s eyes where deep brown, like mixed melted chocolates. She was wearing a gray and black striped T-shirt. She also had skinny jeans on, light blue. They had a whole the size of a golf ball in her left side, so you could see her knee. The girl was Starla’s best friend, Hannah. “What?” Starla asked in a confused tone. Hannah put her hand on her hip. “I have called your name four times, Star. You always get lost in your own little world.” Starla looked at her, blinked then titled her head and smiled. “Sawey.” Starla giggled as she spoke a lot like a baby. Hannah smiled and just shook her head. “Fine you get off this time.” She got her bag and put it over her shoulder. “Let go.”
    Starla got up and nodded, her long blond hair falling lightly around her. She grabbed her bag, put her books in it then stared for the door. Hannah smiled and fallowed her friend. “So what’s going on with your parent?” Starla shrugged. “Linda doesn’t really stay home long. Right now she’s over seas. Ron normal, well as normal as Ron can be.” Hannah sighed. “Why do you call them by name? They are your adopted family, call them mom and dad some time.” Starla shrugged. “I just don’t.” She laughed a little under her breath. “But Ron wines about it some time, so I call him Daddy one in a blue moon.” Hannah rolled her eyes. “You’re so weird.” Starla lightly nudged her friend. “I’m not the one that blew up a watermelon for New Years Day.” Hannah laughed. “That was awesome.”
    The red head then looked at her friend sadly. “I’m sorry I dent get you anything for your birthday, I dent have money.” Starla shrugged. “That fine I don’t care. So are you coming to my house to study?” Hannah put on a smiled and nodded. “Of course, pulse; it Friday, your dad is making his annual chocolate chip cookies!” Starla rolled her eyes. How does that girl not get fat, Starla though silently to her self. The two talked till they came to a two storied house. It wasn’t big but wasn’t small either. It had a brown roof while the rest was white. Starla saw that her father’s car was in the drive way so she just opened the door. It was dark so she flipped on the switch. As she did a few people she knew jumped out saying ’Surprise’ and she even heard Hannah say it behind her. She jumped back a bit then smiled. “Thank you, guys!”
    The party was over and now Starla, Hannah, and Ron was clearing up. Ron looked like he was doing a race more then just cleaning. Hannah laughed. “So what did you think Star?” Starla smiled. “It was grate.” “I’m so glade you think so!” As Ron spoke he pulled her in a bear hug. “Thanks……Dad.” She swears Ron’s eyes turned in to stares. “She called me Dad!” He then stared cleaning even faster. And Hannah gave her a told you so look.
    When they where done, Hannah dropped to the couch. “Cleaning sucks.” Starla chuckled. “Hannah you sat on the floor and ate cookies.” Ron sighed. “I have to go to work Star, so Hannah why don’t I drop you off at your house on the way.” Hannah smiled. “Ok.” Hannah then took something out of her bag and gave it to her friend. “I was able to get you a card, so there.” Hannah grabbed her bag then when out the door with Ron as he said ‘good night’ to Starla. When they where gone, Starla went up stairs to her room.
    Her room wasn’t that big. It had a blue desk with a lap top on top of it. Some pictures, a chest with the words, ‘Love’ in the top of it. She had a simple circle black rug on the ground, and her bed had a quilt that was blue with black swirls and dots. The three pillows where just simple colors. Right by it was a window seat. Her dresser was by the door. Starla sat on the bed and opened the envelope looked at the front of the card that was in side. It had the night sky and a single shooting star on the cover. She opened it and smiled as she read what her red headed friend had written.

    I give you a star to make a whish upon, so whish for your true desire.
    Your friend

    The gray eyed girl smiled at the words on the small card and put the card on her desk. My true desire? What was her true desire? She had a nice family, friends that cared about her. But there always was this one part, deep in side, that always felt alone. She knew she could tell Hannah everything but what she saw was always different from everyone else. Never truly feeling whole, always getting lost in the sky. She went to her window set, got on it, and open her window wide, pushing the two door windows aside. She gasped as she saw a shooting stare fly across the sky. She though about the card then put her hands together, and put her head down. “I whish……that I could find that missing piece to my self.” She whispered in the night air, letting the wind carry it.
    The grayed eyed girl pushed her blond hair back behind her ear and smiled to her self.
    Then she saw something flash, but it was hard to see because it was black and the sky was dark. After a while she though nothing of it, and went out of her room, planning to take a shower when she opened her door a thud behind her stared her. Starla turned around, pressing her back to the door, scared it was a burglar. It was a boy, older then her, passed out on her floor, black hair, eyes closed, on his stomach. But what caught her eyes the most was the pure black wings that come out of the boys back. “What is going on?” Star gasped, stunted.