• Taylor and I sat in silent horror. I silently tried to back away, but I knew it was useless, and I slid next to my parents, Taylor right behind me. When we saw the pale hand trying to unlock the cell door, we figured it was all over. Then Taylor, who is very strong, picked up the small, unpadded, wooden chair, and threw it so hard, when it finally bashed into the pale goons' head, it seem to have shattered into a million pieces. The goon, knocked unconcious, was carried away by my father and Taylor.


    When we snuck out of the dungeon un-noticed, we found a small tunnel with a bright light at the end. "Dear God," my mother whispered, to no-one in particular, "Is that a way out?" My father replied with a small nod of the head. "Taylor? Taylor I am so sorry we got you into this mess... When we invited you, we didn't know this, this, horrible incident would happen." My mother said, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I am so sorry." Taylor looked like he had just been smacked. "I would never miss this. The love of my life, Mrs.Bush, is your daughter and I want to be with her every second I can. You never intended for this to happen. Your husband was going to be named Great Ruler! Why would I m- Oh dear Lord. Everybody! RUN. NOW. Go towards the sunlight. I hear foot steps and they are getting closer. GO!" And then we all ran, terrified unable to imagine who, or what, could be following us.