• 100Years ago
    Theres a girl named susan.
    Susan is a good girl until her parents died.
    She cried hard in hard crying she was sad everyday cry
    Until when she met a oldman who has a crown she asked who is he
    But the oldman didn't answer.But susan didn't know he's the under a spell of the witch of the serio.And susan didn't know there was a 2 hero's of the earth.So the oldman tell her there was 2 hero's in the earth.And the oldman said that he's not a real oldman he just have a spell of the witch he is the anti prince.And he tell everything he knows about it and he tell that she was the anti princess.And susan was shock.But the prince needs help of the anti princess to complete the 2hero's of the earth.And susan said I.will help to complete the 10 hero's of the earth.Thankyou anti princess!how I.will pay you for helping me!.susan said its ok

    day 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    The oldman and susan walked together to the park sitting on a tree.they saw a girl who has a preety voice.Her name is asami she is the one of the 2 hero's she's sitting on a chair.Susan asked asami if she's the one of the one of the 10 hero's.Asami answered susan and then she said I.am the one of the hero's of the earth.She asked why do you know about us your just a person?.Susan said the anti prince told me about the 10 hero's of the earth.So your the anti princess!!!!!.Yes I.am the anti princess the anti price is under a spell and then he turned into a old man.Oh ya! I.almost forget I.am asami and nice to meet you anti princess.Nice to meet you too!!!.Oh wheres the prince! and I.know whats the name of the rest of the hero's here kasi.Oh thank you asami for telling me the name of the rest of the hero's and the prince going home.I.will go with you because the hero's need to protect the anti princess.Thank you!!!!.welcome

    Hey!susan lets go to the woods with the prince.Hmmmmmmmmm ok!!!!!!!!.

    1hour ago
    here we are the woods of the hero's.This is the wood of the hero's?its soo nice.Ya just wait!
    I.saw a hero maybe thats okiyu !!!!!!! .Really!!!!!!!!! lets ask him.OK.Hmm mister are you okiyu?.Yes why are you in the woods of the 1 hero's if you gonna ask me if I.am a hero yes I.AM.I.am the anti princess and this is asami the hero also

    Hey! okiyu can you get the spell of the witch to the prince.ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!.thank you anti princess!!!!.your welcom!!!!!!!!!!!!

    the end