• Loser Boy: Hysteria’s closest friend

    The name explains it all. I was a geek. My only friend was my twin brother who was in the special needs classes. But I guess I have to explain why I’m here in the first place.

    Part 1: Death of a Reality
    No surprise here, four to eight thugs picking on my brother. I walked up, Told them to stop, got called a couple of names, blah blah blah blah... same crap every day. It gets to be pretty predictable. I made sure Tom Tom – my brother- was okay. As I helped him up he stumbled and accidentally laid a whole hand on the breast of one of the thug’s girlfriends which was another one of the thug’s sister. The walk home is going to be hell.
    It was after school. None of the thugs in sight. This might get as cliché as it’ll get. When Tom Tom and I walk home we walk through a gully and yes if you didn’t see this coming they were waiting for us down there, hiding. They grabbed Tom Tom and threw him to the ground. They stabbed him eight times in the skull. He laid there dying. And because they don’t like snitches, one of them sewed my mouth shut and the ring leader, he…. He shot me wear my heart would be. I ‘died.’ The police found Tom Tom’s body 46 hours later. What happened to my body? They took it. They gave me a makeover. I guess one of the dumb ******** loved The Dark Knight so they ‘put a smile on my face.’ And to top that off they gave me a nickname and they carved it into my chest… it’ll stay there forever. They dug a grave for me, which was nice of them because I was sort of cut up and not breathing. They threw me in, and as soon as the last scoop of dirt was thrown into the hole… I was forgotten forever.

    Part 2: The Missing Piece
    I woke up into darkness. I couldn’t move at all. Then there was a burst of anger and energy through my body. And I pushed forward as hard as I could. I burst through the ground as if I were a zombie. I got to the surface, it was cold, rainy, and it didn’t help that my legs wouldn’t work for a moment. So I just laid there, trying to loosen the thread that kept my mouth shut, I got it loose enough to talk but it wasn’t loose enough to do anything else, but that’s all good I just need to speak and breathe. I finally got the feeling in my legs. And I started to get up, but I noticed something as I got up. I was branded with the name LOSER BOY. I liked it… a lot. I just laughed it off and started to walk to the abandoned part of the warehouse district. I looked at my reflection in a window as I walked, and I noticed something about my eyes, one eye was completely black and the other was just the pupil. What the hell? This was all confusing for me. Why am I still alive?