• Chapter 1: A Very Red Beginning.

    Jayden walked down the glistening white and red hallway of his new high school. "Freshmen year", he thought. Hopefully he would survive the first day.
    Jayden never had many friends. Manly people he just talked to when he needed help with something. Not much of a social life. He wasn't picked on much, but after all, this is high school. There's a first time for everything. Just as that thought started to slip his mind Jayden was slammed straight into a locker. Someone was holding onto his shirt and keeping him from moving.

    "Hey Freshie." Jayden finally got a look at the big guy. He was probably a junior or senior. He was muscular, and hard dark brown hair. "Lemme go.." Jayden managed before being slugged hard in the face. He didn't cry out or show any fear. Is was something he taught himself to do when he was scared. After being punched a few more times Jayden finally tried to push the guy off him. He pressed hard against the red shirt his attacker was wearing and suddenly felt a rush of energy through his body. Jayden noticed his hands glowing while he struggled to get out of the grip. With another hard push he easily knocked the stranger off his feet.

    He looked up at Jayden with a terrified and confused look. "I'll be back you dumb freshie! This ain't over!"

    "Obviously high school hasn't taught you enough. Grammar check." Jayden said with a smirk. He looked down at the big figure he had somehow defeated. Then noticed something strange. The red shirt he had saw was now a grayish color. Jayden guessed the bully had to as he sprinted off yelling freak. A great start to his first day. Although this was just the beginning.

    This wasn't the first time something weird had happened to Jayden. The other experiences weren't exactly like this but similiar. Once after leaving a store Jayden was followed by a man with green hair. At least he was pretty sure he was being followed. For two days around every corner he noticed the man somewhere. In another experience, Jayden had touched a cell phone and it began to glow a bright strange red. The phone soon exploded. He had to tell his parents that he had lost the phone.

    Jayden left second period math and followed everyone else heading to gym. As he walked down the hall he noticed a lot of upperclass men whipsering, staring, and pointing at him. He started to walk a little faster and quickly opened the double doors to the large gym. A bunch of freshmen of different shapes and sizes were playing basketball already. He scanned the crowd and then gasped silently. The green haired men. Something was different about him. He knew it was him but he looked younger. He appeared to be the same age as Jayden. A bunch of teens were making comments about his hair as layed against the wall staying silent. Jayden avoided him all through class but he could feel that he was being watched.

    Jayden left P.E. feeling a little paranoid and he could still the green haired man would be the last one out. He made his way over to his last class of the day, history. Everyone hard cleared the halls and Jayden was having trouble with his locker. He banged at his locker with anger and gave up. He scanned the halls, frustrated and then saw the green haired man.