• Evan walked along the endless glass wall, until he saw a beautiful girl. She caught sight of him, smiling. He shouted. She didn't hear him, and shouted back. He shrugged. He thought for a minute and took out two small black pastels. He threw one over the wall. He started to wright. Can crossing it out soon after. He wrote backwards, realizing that it would show up on her side perfectly. Can you write? he wrote. Of course idiot she wrote back. What about drawing? He drew a face and smiled. She smiled back, drawing a picture of herself. yep He smiled as they drew back and forth, countless pictures. He looked at her and smiled. She blushed. He put his hand to the glass. She blushed more, putting her hand against his. It feels cold... He wrote sadly. she frowned I want to be with you He wrote. You are with me... He frowned. only, there's a glass wall between us... He stood, and punched the glass, making a small crack. He continued punching. then sat, realizing it was hopeless. I love you scarlet He wrote sadly. He stood again throwing one last large punch. His hand broke through the glass. Almost instantaneously, the glass reconfigured itself around his arm, cutting it off. He came back a week later, seeing her, with a box sitting in her lap. she threw it over the wall, and he opened it dropping it to the ground. a severed arm fell out. He looked up, she was bleeding heavily, there were small words written on the wall. Draw with me...