• I hate my life, no use, no outcomes, just a hopeless life. I have school just like any other girl. But I seem to be unaverage, I have skipped two grades my entire life. I am adopted, I have a nice family. But I seem to think my life is just an endless,dark street.

    "Lynette wake up your almost late for school" The sweet voice of Jill(mom) woke me up. Even if i'm late to school she still doesnt get mad. I changed slowly wanting jill to shout, but she didnt. I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs. As I came to the kitchen Jill said "Arent you eating?''. I nodded and grabbed an apple and a bottle of water. "I made some pancakes but off course if you want that u can get it. Annabelle already left and your dad took of to work." I silently walked of to the door saying "ok". I knew Jill was sad and so i went back to the kitchen and said "I got to go school but i guess u can have a hug" i knew she was smiling and I smiled a weak smile at her and finally went to school.

    Jill could have drove me but I like walking it gives me time to daydream, sometimes even thinking. As I walked daydreaming a sudden cold chill breezed to my face. Someone was in front of me. I opened my eyes coming back to reality. "um excuse me, I need to go to school" I said to the boy in front of me the boy was about my age and cute "whats ur name?'' he said sweetly and I replied annoyed "If I tell you will you leave me alone?" he said "probobly....." and mumbled something else. "Lynette" I said tiredly, he replied "Lynette....Lynette....Lynette a french word meaning hope. I bet you, you have lots of hope" I said annoyed"bug off stalker" he said walking fast with me "Oh so you don't have hope, you should..........." he continued "I always thought people who don't beliave in hope have the most hope in them." I said awed "and why is that?" he said excitingly "becuase they believe in something less than hope when hope itself is what its called" I became silent, he continued "You Lynette have hope and can conquer people with that, just try using it though.....Bye umm this is my stop" We stopped in front of a big,grand school. He ran off to the gate.

    It seems like time had stopped when I was talking to that boy, it did. My phone said 9:35 am. 5 min after I had left Jills house. I arrived at school, went to my class and sat down I was 5 min. early. I looked out the window and thought for 1 minute until Annabelle said "hi sleepy head" i replied for once to Annabelle "Hey do you know that big school near the river"
    she said "Oh you mean La Salle" i said "sure what goes on there" she says "lots of things I heard the people there are the most smartest,prettiest, and most athletic. Some say they do magic. I heard everyone around the world go there but you have to meet requirments or something.why?" I didnt answer and eventually she went back to her seat. I was still stuck at the point when she said "magic"