• Day 12 before Christmas A boy comes downstairs and seen Santa bringing toys early.
    Boy Said says: Santa your here early.
    Santa says: Yes im doing a 12 day trip around the world. And you been a very good boy.
    Boy Said says: No I have never believed in you.
    Santa says: Im real boy, So are the toys you wanted.
    And the boy was shocked that the toys he wanted are right there.
    Boy said: But everyone else says your not real how is possible.
    Santa says: Anything is possible children need to be happy.
    later on santa leaves then the boy started to sleep. But that didnt end the night just yet. The Toys started to move to the parents bed room. But the toys eyes glow red as a demon. there weapons were real to kill. The Demonic Toys started to attack the parents. The Parents started to scream and starts to come out of the door til Santa showed up.
    Santa says: Good people make me sick.
    Devilknight says: Good Santa, Now kill them and take the boy. Because now on Christmas will be Death-mas.
    On the 11th day before Christmas, 19 and 20 are on a mission to check around town about the missing child and his two parents that got murdered.
    20 says: Never could of thought a Killing would come 12 days before Christmas. Dont you find it strange something going on.
    19 says: Well like the time we were ambush by army of evil snowman.
    20 says: Kinda, but no but almost every Christmas we had to deal with something demonic.
    19 says: What about the Ice Demon we in-counter he was trying to freeze Christmas.
    20 says: Yes but still do you get my point. Someone trying to stop Christmas.
    19 says: Is it because its near the birth of Christ?
    20 says: Could be but we don't know.
    The Sheriff drives near 19 and 20.
    Sheriff Billy says: Hello boys I never seen you guys around town.
    20 says: Billy is that you.
    Sheriff Billy says: You know my name.
    20 says: You used to work with us. back in the early 90's. Do ya remember when we were fighting monsters against Gendruff and many others. And we try to stop Big Phil trying to do stupid stuff and were helping training Jason to fight.
    The Sheriff eyes went big and surprised.
    Sheriff billy says: Wow you guys changed alot.
    20 says: Yea we are more updated as you can see.
    Sheriff Billy says: What are you guys doing here. Wait oh no. please dont tell me there is a monster around town.
    20 says: We don't know yet. We heard there been a killing and a kidnap happening in this town. Christmas has been getting strange with monsters and demons out in the world. Is what me and 19 have faced. We mite think this could be another demon issue going on.
    Sheriff Billy says: Demons are attacking, Im guessing you guys have seen alot.
    20 says: You have no idea. What we have been threw.
    Sheriff Billy says: ill take you guys to the home.
    19 says: Funny how a Killing happens but no damages near the window and doors.
    20 says: The bedroom door has a scratch.
    Sheriff Billy says: I just don't get it. there home was so Secured.
    20 says: Maby we can keep looking thanks for showing us sheriff.
    later on in the night time another killing has happen. but no alarms were heard or anything. til the 10th day before Christmas happen.
    Sheriff Billy says: This is the Second Family that has got killed.
    20 says: This is the Second house that has Homeland Security. I thought they post to have a home Secure with these kind of stuff.
    19 says: Maby they didn't get it fully turned on yet.
    20 says: its working fine. I don't get it.
    Sheriff Billy says: There are few homes that has this, Mine has this as well but it works very good. Keeps my wife and kids safe from no danger. Dont want a monster or demon to come sneak in.
    20 says: Well there no Chimney in this house the last one had one.
    19 says: I think we need to do more research.
    20 says: Billy has anything been changing in this town this week besides Homeland Security.
    Sheriff Billy says: Well there that Santa Claus guy next to the park in that little building but I dont think there no harm on that guy. Im letting my boy see him soon.
    20 says: Do you mind if me and 19 say at your house.
    Sheriff Billy says: I don't mind having old friends visiting.
    20 calls master Husseem.
    20 says: for the past two days we have discovered two homes had homeland security but they seem to work perfectly we dont know what killed the parents and kidnapped the two kids. The Sheriff that is an old friend of me and 19 are gonna stay at his place to find out more.
    Master Husseem says: Keep us updated on this one. Glad you seen an old friend, lets hope he can help us stop whatever is out there.
    The 9th day comes around and another killing has happen.
    Sheriff Billy says: Why is this happening in my town, Who are these killers.
    20 says: me and 19 have checked that third house and why is it another house has homeland Security. Why do I have a feeling Homeland Security is behind this.
    Sheriff Billy says: Dont be silly they post to help people not kill people.
    20 says: They didn't seem to be secured because three missing children and 6 dead parents find that odd they all had Homeland Security.
    Dr. Duty drives in town near the sheriff home.
    Dr. Duty says: This seem unhuman made. More like a Source of Power that a demon mite be controlling.
    20 says: So this is not Homeland Security?
    Dr. Duty says: Oh its Homeland Security right, they own something that they got from someone else. If we don't stop this now. It could be spreading to the whole wide world.
    Devilknight says: Well Done Santa now sense we have kids they can teach us more to making toys that can kill. and we can Make the toys alive and same size as a human. Once Christmas happens no one will ever celebrate it again.
    ends the episode. til part 2