• Day 1
    I am not really sure how to start this so I guess I’ll go straight into it.
    I have no idea where i am or who i am. the sun is rising just after dawn. I cry out “HELLO?” there was no answer so I cry out again “HELLO?” still no answer. So I guess I’m stuck here.

    I could see a vast ocean ahead of me. Yet still no civilisation. There was only one thing on my mind, to explore the unknown (the wilderness). Very soon I come across a brave pig in the dense forest. He strolled up to me like it was no ones business and toppled me over. Startled as I was I punched the porker until it rolled over and died then disappeared into a cloud of smoke, white smoke to be exact.
    Whilst I dawdled over the high hills I found a crevice in the side of the mountain that reached to the high heavens above.

    I wondered in expecting no trouble at all, it was pitch black. I felt my way through the cragged edges of the rock face. I heard an ‘urghhhhhh’ coming from deeper inside the cave I see a strange glowing box and five whizzing arrows fly towards me three easily missing me another one almost got it just skimmed my hair. But the last one land straight into my thigh. I scream in terror as it rips the flesh of my body I then struggle out of the cave. With the arrow still pierced in my flesh, with the blood furiously flying out of my vein.
    Once I got out of that place of terror I notice that night had set and the sun had fallen. To my shock hundreds of weird alien things swarmed the now plagued forest. I feared what would happen. Without noticing a giant spider with glowing red eyes at least 2 metres wide and long flew over my head and plunged It’s fangs into my leg that I bruised escaping from the cave that I had barely escaped from. I ran wildly like the pig that I killed during the day, past the tree trunks that loitered zombies and skeletons with bows and a weird four-legged creature that looked like it was in camouflage and a sad face.

    At last I made it to a hill where there were no zombies or other predators of the night. I lay down and extracted the brittle arrow from my thigh, with the blood gushing out I screamed in both pain and fright. But when all my hopes were down I saw a tiny glint of light.

    “THE SUN” I yelled with joy and delight.

    It all turned bad right after I said it. I heard a “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS…” then I blacked out. I was on a beach I fell to the floor thinking I was dead. I slowly opened my eyes I was on a beach, THE SAME BEACH. Was I dead I stood up and wiped the sand from my clothes. Decided I should build a shelter for the next night to come.

    day 2
    (you must excuse me for bad grammar i usually type on word then copy and paste p.s i want you to give me criticism in the comments)

    I wandered to the nearest tree, with only one aim in mind to create a shelter to survive the night. thinking hardly about the day before and how i came back alive after my merciless death. I knocked the tree trunk as hard as i could with my bare fist,it was hard as rock , it was the hardest work I had done in my entire life. Yet.

    My mind wandered over to last night. I thought about what the night creatures abilities, so the skeletons shot arrows, and spider we're really agile so they could get you easily and zombies where basically... zombies that left the green fourlegged alien creatures. Since i had seen what they do I presume that they were the ones that were stealthy and explode if you get too close. i was thinking of ninja aliens but i decided that they should be called creepers because they creep and well they just creep.

    I hadn't realized but i had cut down about 84 logs or so.

    I found a good flat patch of land near the sea and my life restarter. i set to work placing every individual log on top of each other my back ached from this hard work. my sweat poured down my tired face. Just then i saw a pig and ran over to it and the same happened. I brutally murdered it with my bare fists. Soon i would eat it but i cleaned in the sea and left it in the sun to dry. Meanwhile i restarted doing my house i had half my house up by the time the sun started to set so i worked harder. Soon the inevitable happened it got dark and i just finished the walls as i heard the moan of a nearby zombie. My shack wasn't invincible but it would hold up pretty good if the zombies found me and tried to break in. But i was safe for the night.

    Suddenly i realized that i left the slabs of meat outside and a zombie was walking ever so closer to them. I peered over the high walls of my shack. I noticed that the zombie was the only one around this shack that could sense me. I exploded through the front door and rammed the zombie straight into the water. I heard the splash as I took the two chunks of meat and retreated back to my shack. out of nowhere came another giant spider, this one was different though. I just knew it. At that moment my eyes glimpsed what was different. There was a skeleton
    holding an oversized bow on top of the spider. I hurtled myself through the tiny hole and covered it up like I were a mole being chased by an angry farmer. Out in the open I was doomed, in my safe burrow i would live.

    Day 3

    I held my will together and i cuddled myself. Dare not to sleep for I know that they knew that I was at my weakest.
    I drooped my eyes. I was falling asleep. I then saw the very first thing I wanted to see it was the glorious sun shining higher and bright as it has always been. I heard the cries of the zombie that tried to eat my meat also the skeleton mounted on the spider but the spider did not go away i opened up the small hole in the wall of my hut and peered daring. My eyes darted from one location scanning the perimeter for a giant tarantula. It was no where in sight. I opened the door. It flung itself like a catapult straight for me. To my surprise it stopped in midair and started walking along the forest floor.

    Just then I noticed there was a strange box outside of my house. It was a chest. My heart wondered what was in it. I opened it, inside was a wooden pickaxe, a hatchet also made of wood and a spade guess what it was made of. Yep wood. There was a strange note attached to the bottom, it read

    Use them wisely.

    Sally Wells.

    I wondered if she could be alive like me. I called out her name "Sally?"there was no reply. I wondered who she was for the rest of the day. Testing my pickaxe.

    Night fell after the days work I gathered many stone.
    Sally's diary

    At last I have found someone. I am not yet sure of his name but we will meet in time. I hope the tools i gave him were useful.
    I wondered all night about her. I then got a log out and started scraping out planks from it I then realized I had made a brand new discovery. I got more logs from the box that sally gave me and started to craft them into planks. I knew I was onto something, I was on fire (not literally) I made a crafting bench so I could make more things. I started breaking planks into sticks "ouch" I shouted as the splinter dug itself deep into my finger. It refrained me from doing anymore work so I sat down and put my head to rest and caught up on my sleep.

    Day 4

    I was awoken suddenly by a crash near the chest and I stood up quickly and I saw a red cloak disappear into the thick of the forest. I knew it was Sally. I ran into the forest reckless and not noticing the skeleton on fire. I caught up quickly and saw her leap into the air and held up a blue crystal, she vanished into thin air. The grey fog was lifting and I noticed that I was surrounded by creepers. They stared at me with their sad faces and were walking straight for me I then noticed a man but he had white pupils instead of black. I turn-tailed and ran out of the forest like a maniac. I ended up at the edge with my shack. I was panting and wheezing like I was underwater and needed oxygen.

    I found a pair of tweezers on the floor outside my house. I knew they were from Sally who else would it be from. I plucked the splinter out of my hand and went into my shack.

    I pulled out some of the sticks I made last night and piled a few on my workbench. I then got some of my mined stone and made a poorly crafted stone pickaxe. I tried again. There was barely an improvement but better than my first try. Nonetheless I headed for my quarry. I extracted a lot more than I did with my basic wooden one. Whilst I was mining busily I came across a rock with peculiar black lumps in it. I dug it out with my stone pickaxe, I felt the texture of it and I had just discovered my first coal. I was extremely delighted to see a whole bunch of it and I broke it up easily.

    I saw the sun was about to set. So i set off on my journey back home, swinging merrily of my day's great joys. Once I had reached my destination I went to my workbench and got out my sticks and placed the coal, I had just mined, over it. I extracted 28 torches. Soon I got out my planks and crafted a poorly handmade door, well you could call it a door but not a very good one. I went outside and placed two torches I made a few minutes ago in two gaps in the logs. I then placed my door kind of thing in my doorway and swung it open and shut again. As soon as I heard the familiar groan of a lonely zombie.

    I soon knew that I needed a way of protecting myself with something rather than my bare fists, or a stick. I planned the exact shape of my sword and I got a stick for the handle and a bit of stone for the blade. I got stick and chiseled a hole in the rock with a complex holding system, I would rather not go into.
    I soon got the equivalent of a butter knife facing a zombie, I further sharpened the blade with a rock I found digging out a pinkish gravel thing. To my further luck a tiny flicker of a spark came out of the mysterious rock, I hadn't even noticed it was flint. I got out more of the flint from my chest and started bashing all the rocks together. Mesmerized in the flashing lights. I placed a few more coal torches and lit them easily with my flint combo, the others I lit with rubbing to sticks together. I then proceeded to further sharpen my blade. After I was completely sure it was sharp enough, cutting myself three times. I then went back to my flint and started watching them again Falling swiftly to sleep.

    Day 5

    My head ached from the uncomfortable wooden log I had slept on. I peered over the top of my shack and saw a creeper. I stormed out of my rickety door, with my sharpened stone sword. Without a doubt I swung my sword straight into the monsters head and a second blow on his side. The creature was down and I plunged my sword into it and smiled with an almighty happiness, that was soon lasted I heard the thing I was dreading. "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..." I was back at my life restarter and I saw the devastation that had happened. There was a hole that ripped into the left side of my house. I gasped in shock. I got out some planks and rebuilt my broken house. When I had fully rebuilt I went to my quarry for more delights. Once I had got here I noticed something was wrong, like I was being watched. I set to work on my quarry extracting more stone. I was interrupted by a great tremor in the earth. I swiveled my body 180 degrees and stood still in fright the mysterious man with the beard and white eyed pupils was there. All of a sudden his eyes glowed bright red and a black type of stone arose from the ground in a portal shaped way. He then put the doorway on fire and muttered some words. A purple transparent liquid filled the inside. Suddenly two giant white jellyfish appeared around it. Something was telling me to run but I stood there like a complete idiot. The two creatures eyes and mouths opened and fire balls of flames and I knew I was a deadman,well until I came back alive. Out of nowhere came two arrows deflecting the spheres of fire. When I swiveled my head I saw it was the person in the red cloak. The person shouted "run!". Instinctively I headed for Sally, I knew it was her who else would it be. I ran with her as the two creatures and their master burnt the forest in order to spot us.

    As soon as we got out of the forest we stood still taking in the moment as we saw the whole forest burning. The destruction was immense and we could see tall lava pillars raising from the ground. In order to not be spotted we ran as far as we can. When we were out of range the mysterious figure unhooded herself to reveal a woman of around her mid 20's and all her dark brown untied but very clean. I spoke first "Sally?" she nodded her head.

    We ran like the wind soon we saw towering mountains much bigger than the ones I had seen before. An creature of massive proportions blocked out the sky with it's giant red scaly wings followed by a V-shaped formation of smaller dragons that where a lighter red.