• It was one late foggy night .
    You are sitting alone at your house.
    The lights in the city grow dim.
    The darkness surrounds the area.
    The only light is your lamp and tv.
    You deside to pick up a news paper.
    "Strange Red Eye Creature Spotted In Area"
    You start to read.
    You hear a pack of near by wolves.
    They are getting closer.
    Then dead silence.
    You feel as if someone
    or something is watching you.
    You take a quick peek at the window.
    Nothing is there.
    You give a sigh but
    still have that feeling.
    You look again.
    To your suprize.
    Something is looking at you.
    Its eyes glowing blood red.
    You can see much but
    you close the blinds.
    You grab a near by flashlight.
    You are terrified but
    something is moving your legs
    to the door.
    Next thing you know your outside.
    You turn on the flash light.
    You walk around your house.
    After two hours of searching,
    You give up and start to head back.
    You hear footsteps behind you.
    You turns around.
    And the flashlight shows
    a man-like creature.
    Its wings bigger then its body.
    Its eyes big and red.
    You run to the door.
    You start yanking on the door knob.
    The monster close behind.
    The door finally opens.
    You look back and its gone.
    You think to yourself,
    Was it a hilutionation?
    Or was it real?
    Little do you know it
    is watching you.