• Carrie didn't know what do to about it. She has seen the image in her head many times as well as she had it play out. She couldn't help but look at him. His hair black as night, with eyes as green as emeralds. She hated herself for not being able to sum up the courage to at least introduce herself. Not like it really mattered, the big bimbo already had him, and besides she was the quiet goth in the back, he would have never even give her the time of day. She tried to be strong and to keep her heart locked but no matter how hard she tried, this boy... this man just made her knees quiver when his presence was even near. He sat three seats in front of her own, and his girl sat next to him. She would just write in her notebook, something she hasn't done in forever. Today seemed different though, Carrie noticed that when his girlfriend wasn't looking he winked at her. Just a simple little wink almost made her head burst. As the teacher slapped the chalkboard bringing Carrie back to the real world, she noticed that his girlfriend was sitting in another seat flirting with a jock, and not him. As the bell screeched, allowing the students to pack up and leave, he was still sitting in his seat frozen. Carrie got up and began walking past him, debating in her head whether she should talk to him today or not. As she was close to the door she heard "Carrie" She snapped around to see him standing up, "Hey" Carrie said as she turned around and raced for the door. He grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her too the wall. "Wanna hang sometimes" Just then he laid his head on her chest, Carrie was blushing as well as her heart was beating one million times faster that normal. "I don't think that is a good idea, i am not an easy girl ya know." Carrie said being able to keep her voice normal instead of shaky. "I know, but i can hear you heart, it says yes , why do you say no." He asked. "Cause, well i...um..." Just then he kissed her, not a quick kiss either but a long sweet passionate kiss. "I know you have an image and i respect that, but that doesn't mean i won't fight for you." He said. Carrie was frozen she just shook her head to show him that she understood. "Good i got to go, see you later." He said as he released her and head for the door. When he was far away enough Carrie whispered " Let the games begin." heart