• A pale figure rounded the corner of the majestic staircase. The staircase was rimmed with gold railings and fancy carvings on the rare wooden steps. It was like a fairy tale based on beauty and the beast...but the thing is... The figure was the beauty, but there was no beast. As she came to view at the top she laid her fragile hand in a white silk glove cut to show her fingers that had nails the color of a light elegant silver blue
    , she looked out at me... Directly out of a crowd of people that stood there oohing and awing. Where had she come from I didn't see her come onto the boat while standing at the door with officers!? But I guess it doesn't matter. She moved as gracefully as a swan, walking down the steps one by one. She looked about 18... My age. Her hair was a deep shade of brown and bounced gently with each step, her eyes were a rare blue that seemed empty and sent chills cascading down my back bone. She was so pale... It looked like she never left a room her entire life... Almost as if she were alone... Unloved... In a dark place. She was wearing a white silk nightgown with fancy white lace that flowed gently like the waves lapping the shore at dawn she stopped suddenly as if she were frozen in front of a ray of sunlight that streaked in from the open window. Her eyes flashed hesitantly and nervously then she continued down till she was in the light and she vanished.
    All that was left was a blue orb that shone a brilliant light blue. The orb continued toward me and once fully out of the sunlight the orb transformed back into a girl. Everyone was now watching in horror as they realized that their fake mystical creature to scare kids on Halloween turned out to be real. A baby's cry split the silence and the girl continued to stare at me with sad eyes... Not a girl... A ghost. Everyone began to panic and started running this way and that. They began jumping overboard and swimming to land, which wasn't that far considering we pretty much just boarded.
    On deck was pure chaos like it was on the titanic in 1912, but no one has died... yet and this boat isn't sinking... i think. I was frozen in place, and all I could do is stare. The girl was now in front of me and everything seemed to get colder. Under her feet where she stood in her wool slippers frost began to form.
    "Please...please don't be afraid, I need your help." the ghosts tone was desperate like she was in terrible danger. But her voice instead of a raspy old tone you would think to hear from a ghost was a soft soothing sound like birds chirping their song in the morning. "please?"

    Slightly terrified I got a grip on my self and replied as calmly as possible. "what is it you need?"