• “'Little girl'?” L repeated.

    The girl looked at L and pointed to Dante.

    “'E the oldest 'n years of being on the Earth.” she said.

    ‘The oldest in years of being on Earth’? L wandered what that actually meant scene as the boy only looked just ten years old! His confusion must have showed because the girl huffed.
    “Look dude we're vampires, 'n' last year you joined our ranks.” she said. “How I know vis is 'cause I felt it.”

    He looked at the Londoner. What the hell was she on about? L was a vampire? No way! Vampires didn't exist. Well if shinigami exist who says that vampires didn't? If they were right and L was a vampire now what did that mean for him? For the Kira case? Did everyone else think that he was dead?

    But there was that account when he was eight. There was a man that had claimed to be a vampire. Then the full record flew through his mind. The man said that L was a threat to his plan, and his mother came with Nate in her arms. He hadn't realised it back then but that man, whoever he was, had bit him.

    He remembered how after a dream he had woken up from that man was on top of him, but the man's face was hidden in the darkness. He found himself being strangled and then the man whispered in his little ear a weird but frightening line.

    “You can hear the bells can't you little one? I'm afraid someone tonight is going to die...”
    L shuddered remembering the night. He felt that he would rather be dead than have to remember anything in his life, especially his last. Light, his own best friend that he had started to see as a brother, had betrayed him. That face, that smile was in L's head not the face of Light Yagami but the face of Kira, his enemy, his foe, his target. L had lost.

    “Venice Von, in case you had not already have figured out, can séance and locate our siblings of blood. Siblings of blood are vampires who were made by the same person. ” Dante explained. L nodded taking in the information and by instinct assumed his normal abnormal sitting posture.
    “Anyway vat's enough about us. So tell us about you.” she said.

    “Well, I got killed by a shinigami, if that counts.” he said. I mean what else could he say? He couldn't tell them about what he did in his life. Especially the bit about him being L. Well about his name being L logically the rest of his task force would have decided to keep the fact that he was dead a complete secret from the public. Then that would mean that one of them would have been appointed as L by the others. In that case, judging the situation and by what L himself asked, Light would have been that person.

    “Woah! Now that's news!” Venice exclaimed. “Why would one do a thing like vat? Unless you're L generation one.”

    L's mouth went right open. For someone who's got an accent like that Venice had brilliant deduction skills. L was impressed at this youth. I mean she figured out who he was just by him revealing the fact that he was killed a shinigami.

    Then it accord to him. By the tone in which Venice used it seemed to L that shinigami don't usually kill vampires, and also she wasn't shocked by the fact he met a shinigami. In fact she went all fan-girl like as if it was a big deal to them.

    Also she had said L generation one as if there was more than one L. Well there was his two chosen successors Near and Mello perhaps one of them had been selected even-though he had not chosen which. In that case then the most likely person was Nate or Near, he after all was L's half-brother.

    “Generation one?” He repeated.

    “Oh, well in-case you have been dead for thirteen years I shall explain. The first L died when he challenged Kira. The second L was Kira and the third and final L caught Kira.” Dante explained.

    L could not help but smile. Light went fell for it. He bit on the hook. He had did exactly what L had expected to do. He grew confident and as the world started to move in Kira's direction, overconfident. Even-though L died is worked out! Thus proving what L had said when he first met the task-force, 'Justice will prevail'.

    “Well you are right I am L. So what are you going to do?” he asked.

    “Take you home so you can meet the rest a the gang.” said Venice. “Oh an' we'll have to come back here next year so we can dig up the other one.”

    “Other one?”

    “Yeah he just joined our ranks.”

    “Then why wait a whole year just to pick someone up?”L asked.

    “Oh to let them 'n' their powers mature.” Venice explained.
    Then Venice reached into her pocket and took out a blood bag. She then gave it to L after she had finished smoothing out the ground and put on a layer of grass. L was amazed at the way Venice did this. For she did it in such a way that it made it impossible to tell that the ground was ever disturbed.

    “You'll need it. For there ain't a vampire alive that don't.” Venice said as L looked at the bag. He felt oddly thirsty looking at it so he opened it and decided to give it a taste. Even-though it tasted like metal it was unusually refreshing, and before L had realised it he had drunk the whole lot!

    “We have connections to specific doctors that provide us with our average amount of human blood seine-as all of the ninety nine substitutes are ineffective to us and our siblings of blood.” Dante explained. “The reason why is far beyond my knowledge.”

    L nodded slightly consuming the information he had just been given. He looked at the bag feeling slightly ill. He was going to have to drink blood from now on? The worst thing was that the blood wasn't even sweet! Sweet. What did that mean for his diet?

    “Do I still get to eat cakes?!” he asked worriedly.

    The two other vampires looked at him seriously and looked at each-other. They then bursted out laughing, as if his question was somewhat funny. Was it truly that funny L was worried if he was ever going to eat cakes ever again? Apparently so.

    “Of all of the other things that one should worry about when one becomes a vampire, he chooses to worry about if he is able to eat cakes?” Dante laughed.

    “I know!” Venice replied. “Just to answer your question, then yes you can eat cakes! We are related to humanity and are the direct link to them and shinigami. That's why we ain't affected by their death notes!”

    So that's why she acted the way she did! Deducted L. But what was the most interesting of all is the fact that now L was the cosine of the shinigami. Now if he had known that vampires were real and that that man who killed his mother was one (although at the time L thought that he was only pretending) he would have found who Kira really was sooner. Or would he? I mean if the vampire race was the direct link between shinigami and humanity who's to say that they weren't more loyal to the shinigami race than to the human race? Who would know?