• Chapter 4:
    The riddle on the paper and a new companion!

    It had been two days since Rain and Maria stopped at the inn to rest, “How are you feeling?” Rain asked Maria when she woke up. She yawned and stretched before answering him, “Rested and ready to go.” She said with a sleepy smile. “That’s good to hear.” Rain said with a slight laugh. He then got up and walked to the door “let’s go down and get some breakfast.” He said opening the door. Maria nodded and followed after Rain. Down stairs the old man had breakfast made and sitting at the little table near the fire place. Clara was sitting on the middle stair toying with her cross bow and pretending to aim at invisible targets when she whirled around a nearly hit Rain with her bow. “Oh!” she exclaimed “I’m sorry!” Rain chuckled “It’s alright you didn’t know I was there.” He said.

    After that Rain and Maria took a seat at the little table, “This is quite the breakfast!” Maria said happily as she sat down. There were pancakes, sausage, eggs and much more spread over the entire table. “You really didn’t to go through all this for us.” Rain said looking over the spread. “Oh it’s nothing.” Said the old man with a laugh “Only the best for our guests.” Rain didn’t eat much, he wasn’t all that hungry. Maria on the other hand ate until she couldn’t eat any more. “That was so good.” She said rubbing her full tummy. “I wish we didn’t have to leave.” Rain smiled but didn’t say anything; he knew that staying in one place was just too dangerous. Clara looked up at Rain “Where will you be headed from here?” she asked him. “Probably due north of here.” He answered. “I want to go to the city of Trinity.” He added.

    Clara looked up at him puzzled “What would possibly make a Vampire such as Rain want to go there?” she thought to herself. “Before you go then.” Clara began “There’s something I want to show you.” She said. She the produced a small piece of white crumbled paper, “Can you tell me what this means?” she asked Rain handing him the paper. He looked at the little piece of paper for a moment before speaking, “It’s a riddle.” He said “The book you seek lies within the walls that touch the sky, hidden just beyond god’s eyes.” He added reading the paper. Clara looked back at Rain “My parents gave me that paper before they left; it’s the only clue to where they hid the book of the cross blades.” She told Rain “it’s a family heirloom that has been passed down for generations; If we find it maybe it will help you find what you’re looking for.” She added

    Rain sighed as he looked down at the little paper, “Do you wish to travel with us?” he asked her. “Only if it’s not causing you any trouble.” Clara said. Rain looked down at her sternly “All I ask is that you keep up with us.” He told her “If you don’t then you are food for the roughs.” Clara looked up at Rain and nodded “I will.” She said. Of course Rain couldn’t leave right away he’d have to wait until the sun wasn’t so bright. The early morning sun was always the worst and Rain hated it, “We’ll leave around noon.” He told Maria and Clara. After breakfast Maria and Clara headed outside for some fresh air, “I wish Mr. Rain could join us.” Maria said as she took a seat on the stairs just outside the front door of the Inn.

    Clara looked over at the little girl and smiled “He’s just being sensitive.” She said “I’ve seen a few Roughs out during the day and they don’t seem bothered by the sun at all.” She told Maria. “But aren’t most of the Roughs part human?” Maria asked. “No not all of them.” Clara replied “Most are pure blood vampires that lost their way after the rebellion.” She added. Maria stared down at her feet for a moment, then she sat up and looked over at Clara “Maybe someday Mr. Rain will come and sit outside with us.” Maria said with a half-smile. Clara laughed and placed her hand on Maria head, “Maybe someday he will. “Clara said. As the girls continued to talk outside, Rain sat inside and watched them from the window.

    He was always weary of Maria, constantly watching over her and making sure she was O.K., But in his mind however he was thinking of something else as he watch to two girls talk. “I wonder if the city of Trinity will hold the answers that I seek.” He thought to himself “What happened to Aria, the woman I loved when the rebellion occurred, where they had placed her body when she died.” His silence was interrupted when he heard someone entering the room. “I can see that something is troubling you.” Said a voice from the door way of Rains room. It was the old man, “You’ve been very quiet since this morning.” The old man said. “Tell me what’s troubling you young man.”

    Rain sighed heavily as he turned his gaze from the window to the old man, “You wouldn’t happen to know if the city of Trinity still holds documents from the days of the rebellion would you?” he asked. The old man thought for a moment before answering. “They may still have a few.” The old man began “But most of the documents pertaining to the rebellion were burned many years ago.” He added. Rains eyes went wide “Burned!?” he said with shock in his voice “But why?” he asked. The old man looked up and narrowed his eyes “It was to destroy any memory of the catastrophe, so that it would never happen again.” He told Rain. Rain was confused now, who could possibly want to burn all those documents? Why did they want to erase history?

    The old man looked into Rains eyes he could tell that Rain was troubled by his words, “It was the VHC.” He said. “The VHC?” Rain asked a bit puzzled. “The Vampire Hunters Committee.” The old man said looking down at Rain “They took power after the eight kings separated, and have remained in power to this day.” Rain could not believe what he was hearing and he rose from his seat by the window “Why would they try to erase history?” he asked “I don’t understand.” The old man shook his head “Nor do I.” he said. Sometime had passed and the girls, Maria and Clara had come back inside. “Mr. Rain?” Maria called out as they walked in “Are we leaving yet?”

    Rain turned to Maria and Clara as they entered the room, “I was just about to come get you.” He said to the girls “We should be heading out now, that way we will reach the city of Trinity by sunrise tomorrow.” He told them. Maria nodded “Right.” She said. Then she turned to Clara “ Are you coming?” she asked her. “You bet I am.” Clara replied. At that Clara bid her grandpa farewell, and headed out with Rain and Maria. Clara would miss her grandpa dearly, but she had to know the reason behind her parents disappearance and the book which had been looking for, the book of the cross blades. And for Rain perhaps this trip to the city of Trinity may wield some answers to questions he so desperately wanted answered.