• I do not believe that everything relies on fate, nor do I feel that one is in charge of everything that happens in his or her life. I am, per se, sitting on a fence post. I have, many times in my life, recited the infamous phrase, “Everything happens for a reason,” and I do, to an extent, believe it to be true. I do not think that every little thing is supposed to happen, or is planned out for us. The color of the shirt I wore today, or the fact that my kitten just scratched my finger, was not fate. That was just life. However, some of the best things in my life have resulted from some of the worst parts of my life. I believe that these bad events did, in fact, happen for a reason. If I had not had some experiences last year, I may not have chosen to transfer to a different high school. I would not be writing my opinions on fate. My choice to move to a different school may even affect what college I go to, or what man I marry. Thus, in my opinion, big events such as these do happen for a reason. Honestly, whether anything is planned out for me in life I do not know. I know that I believe that many things happen for a reason, but nothing must be left to fate.