• Well I’ll never forget
    When we moved the furniture to the lawn.
    Sitting on the loveseat,
    My legs in your lap.

    That summer is everlasting in my heart.

    And I’ll never forget when
    We ran through the night.
    Away from it all, away from their eyes.
    To the sound where there was a blanket and a dying flashlight.

    I’ve never run so fast, not before, not since.

    You were the only one willing enough
    To stand on the edge with me.
    You didn’t try to pull me back…
    You just stood there with me until I was okay.

    You never let me go.

    Now I stand on the edge alone.
    But I feel you, in my nightmares, in my heart.
    And I’ll never forget, I can never forget you.
    Everyone else may let go, but I won’t.

    You are everlasting.