• Love is a funny word.

    People use it all the time,
    yet don't understand what it means.
    They say that they love someone then later on they simply leave.
    They say that they love someone, yet they wont give their all to the person or people they love.

    Love is a four letter word. A word that hurtful when used wrong, but magnificent when used right.
    Love is a word that is not to be used lightly and carelessly.
    Love is a four letter word, a four letter word like Hate, kill, damn, ********, s**t,c**t,lust, and hell.

    Love is a necessity to this world. It is what makes us, as humans. Continue on in this world. Without love we are nothing. But with love, comes pain. For there will always be hard times and bad times and pain where their is love.

    Yet Love is not bad. It may cause pain. But it rids of more pain than it causes if used right. It is a word, an action, a feeling. It is who we are and it creates what we become.

    When used wrong though, the word love causes only despair and pain. It rids of almost none, and causes far more than it could ever heal. The word love causes people to do unimaginable things and causes miracles before our eyes.

    Love is not wanting anyone but her, not wanting to breath without her, Not wanting to let go no matter what.
    Love is pushing forward no matter what the odds, and no matter what anyone says. It is giving your everything to another.
    Love is going through hard times together, but still loving each other.
    Love is making each other cry. But still making each other happy.
    Love is trusting in ones emotions, and believing in ones feeling.

    Love is what this world is built upon and love is what we all search for.
    Love is the light within the darkness and it is the feeling of never wanting anything but to be close to the one that pushes you forward.
    Love... is giving your everything to someone... even if they do not return those same feelings and actions.

    Love is a word that can never have a definition. Nor is a word that we can fully express. It is not a word that we are capable of understanding.

    Love is not saying, but showing... that you would do anything for another.
    Love is complicated, and love is strong.

    Love is willing to walk for days on end, just to see the one you care for

    Love is what resides within my soul, it is what I locked away. It is what I save for the one that means it all to me.

    Love... is just that.