• What do you see?

    What do you see when you look at the sky?
    Do you stare at the birds and how high they fly?
    Can you even tell what meets my eye
    And how my mind starts to wonder ‘why’?
    Why are we bound to earth when up there
    The birds’ feathers flap in clear air?
    Why do we have all troubles to bare
    And why is there never someone to care?

    What do you see when you look at that cloud?
    Do you think it is only a part of a crowd?
    Can you even get what makes me so proud
    And so eager to shout this out loud:
    Every cloud looks so lone, so unique
    Traveled alone to that far away peak
    Having its stories, awaiting to speak
    With that form of its, so new, so mystique.

    What do you see when you look at the stars?
    Do you feel like you’re reaching up to the bars?
    Can you even shake the feeling our scars
    Are just as visible as the figure of Mars?
    Each time we smile, each time we grin,
    Something in us reminds of our sin
    As if it’s talking, it says where we’ve been
    And makes it so clear it’s not our win.

    What do you see when you look to the moon?
    Do you feel like watching it until noon?
    Can you even stand the fact that soon
    You too will be enchanted by its tune?
    Don’t you see its sincere smile
    Beaming down at you for the longest while
    Making you regret all looks hostile
    And bump your worries in an useless pile?