• i heard a clatter from the roof
    i woke in fright
    hidding under the covers i remembred
    it's christmas eve night
    "santa!" i shouted and dashed from the door
    running outside in frezzing cold i saw the snow and nothing more
    a thud from behind i turn to face
    a big fat guy with thoughts speeding threw my head
    'i wish i had mace'
    he laughs out jolly
    "oh my god it's the fat man!" i cry with delight
    he laughs with a "ho ho ho"
    my attention turns towords the roof
    i watch with a "wow..."
    the raindeer snort and snire
    santa appreded on the roof
    still i stand looking like a doof with a frozen face
    he flys away and i chase him crying "hey!"
    "merry christmas" is all he says
    i stop at the side walk still in shock
    "merry christmas!" i reply
    "and have a good night." i say in a quiter tone