• who needs life
    when death is just
    one bullet
    one stab
    one jump
    one breath
    one to many pills away
    death is so much easier than living
    so much easier to face
    live hits you hard
    breaks you down to the ground
    death embrasses you
    lets you be at eternal rest
    life doesnt want you to be happy
    if it did then why would it put you through so much pain

    im gona die one day anyway
    so why not sooner rather than later
    why not death than life
    who needs life when death is so much easier

    other side
    life aint easy
    that much is true

    but life aint cruel
    death is
    death feeds of the one you love
    drains there minds of joy
    destroys the love that once lay there

    death is cold
    death white
    death is like
    the moon without the sun
    the food without the water
    death only gives pain and regret
    death is peaceful
    but death is cruel
    to all who live
    death is the reason
    the world is painful
    but life is the reason
    that we look for joy than pain
    death hates life
    life hates death
    death survives on life
    but life needs nothing more
    than the joy of people to make it smile