• My heart my heart it aches, the joy and sorrow you have brought me is so much
    Living only to see that bright smile of yours my life is yours to take my love is all for you.
    yet why do you ignore me why do you leave me in this darkness oh how I long for your hand to reach out and offer me salvation. MY true feelings pouring out to you yet you do not see them.
    I feel like I am invisible like I should just disappear into the dark. yet your smile brings me joy so as long as you can be happy I will be happy now matter your choice as long as I have my love for you that is all that matters to me the blissful smile on your face the shiny light that bring into my heart of darkness. When all hope is lost I turn back to the times we use to have the times we spent together yet why oh why do you not acknowledge me anymore won't you look at me won't you smile for me. Lost in this darkness this depression that I have brought upon my self hurts so much that it burns deep into my shattered heart. The image of you is no longer bright but dark the image i once had is ruined my one and only happiness taking from me the last thing I ever want to happen happened. To think it was my own selfishness that ended my time with you my own pathetic self reaching out for you as you walk away my tears flow so much what is the meaning to this all why does it hurt so much why am I hated so much that happiness you once brought me now only brings darkness into my heart oh how much i wish I could tell you now that I am sorry. In the end its just a fools dream and a fools wish. In the end that bright light that shined the way to the path for my salvation has long dulled and left me behind in the darkest corner of my heart the end to our time and the beginning to the destruction of my own life. In the end it was all for nothing, how i wish I could go back and just tell you how sorry I am and how much I truly do love you. I will wait forever and as long as it takes to see that shining smile that brought so much happiness to me the happiness that made my day and gave me my reason to live.

    I will wait forever and ever!