• Left alone, in the darkness....no one there to trust.The silence eats at me as i try to keep my focus,but no more can i stand the laughs that are following me behind like a shadow. The darkness seems to find its way into my soul as i feel the cold cry form a pain in my heart that begins to burn through my flesh;then,at that moment a light shines from a near distance then i feel warm and safe but not for long.A voice calls to me"hear the wicked cry and feel their pain."I fall to the ground and felt pains of those who yell for help and yet i feel sadness in their heart as well.I stay in that single spot hoping the the cries would stop,but they only get louder and it seems as if my body is burning in the flames of hell.I can't take the pain then i cry out"STOP!"Everything slows down then i look up to see no more then an angel....a voice so pure speaks out"you have felt what pain itself can not describe and you have heard the wicked speak of their wrong yet you will never understand the difference between good nor bad"I see then that no matter how hard we try to understand the truth,we will never....