• What a unconventional angel,
    never subduing the caring heart.
    Worldly possessions apart from selfless deeds,
    a honorable knight in shining armor for anyone in need.
    Although, your obvious fondness of squids was a bit creepy,
    I have to admit. The way you described them,
    saying “Squids are like the underwater cat” is true.
    You were so strange,
    and nobody doubted you.
    From boy scouts to higher grades,
    problems were braved without complaint.
    Lives were influenced by a earthly desire to save
    by something so precious as a true Christian faith.
    Time spent with others were illusions of moments that lasted much longer.
    Girlie slap fights to fish faces caught on can-did camera;
    amusing conversations will forever be remembered.
    More intellectual than many people I know, and good at watching the clock to tell when the bell will ring and the class could go
    The common household television is precisely what your chosen Chinese name looks like.
    when you taped your mouth and wrote on a shirt to protest against abortion, never minding listening to others gripe.
    The Naruto ninja headband sported to show off how much you loved your girlfriend for two years, Oh, what a loss.
    God left this to fate, although, forgive and forget were bitter tastes of icing on infinite cakes making it hard to swallow.
    Now I bid a due to a ocean spirit, a twisted sea tale of divine intervention.
    “Tzi-chien”, my unconventional angel and squid friend
    I say goodbye with great sorrow.
    Now let many hearts mend.