• The birds return to their nests
    Young and old, forever and for a while
    Yet this bird is alone, no song from its mate
    Is it completely forgotten?
    As its heart has flown so far beyond its sight,
    And so long been gone as to almost be beyond memory
    Yet this bird is still waiting, its song still being sung
    Though gravity weights heavy on its wings
    And the wide silence steals its breath.

    My single tear is shed
    My eyes look to the stars
    My knees crash into the concrete
    As my beaten soul dies with the sun.
    The welcome nothingness consumes,
    But the coming awareness does not refresh
    Bringing only a deeper darkness.

    Nothing fills this empty shell
    Nothing warms its shallow skin
    Not drink, nor fire, nor the touch of another
    Unless it be perhaps the torn half returning
    Ripped from our peace before it began
    Our joy lost before its birth
    Our loveā€¦.washing away like the sand