• A man, class, tux,
    Suave, gentle, perfect in every way!
    Look how he pulls the chair;
    For the women with him
    In the white, snow white dress.
    He sits, like on a throne:
    Tall, handsome; may I repeat
    The way he speaks
    Soft yet firm, careful yet strong.
    Oh, what a tune!
    The steak! Of course,
    For what man like him wouldn't like his meat.

    Even as the time slowly passes by
    He remains mysterious;
    What is he like?
    What is underneath
    His clothes, his face?
    Oh how it is probably as white
    As the horse he rides on:
    Warrior, hero;
    May he ever walk on water lightly.
    Ah, the food comes!
    Look at his eyes
    They are hungry and yet still:
    Slow, patient, calm,
    He cuts slowly, carefully,
    All thought,
    All ambition,
    All perfect.

    Ah! What's this?
    A mistake is made:
    Lightly smile, oh look!
    Even when he places
    The little white napkin
    To his lips;
    Those lips, that face.
    No it can't be!
    He didn't!
    He did,
    Carelessly, intentionally, forcefully,
    Placed aside, tossed, threw,
    The little napkin
    To the dirty ground.
    She got too close and this;
    This is what he does.
    She helps cover a mistake:
    One fault, one vice
    One pain, one action,
    Of that man;
    Man in pure black.
    That man, bureaucrat, suit,
    Hurtful, harsh, harmful in every way!
    Poor thing;
    Poor white, snow white