• Be not afraid

    When, laboring through dreary days, your heart begins to ache,
    Do not surrender to despair: Let not your spirit break.

    When ruin comes and lives are pained, and nations cry in anguish,
    Though there may be no end in sight, let not your hope be vanquished.

    When bearers of forbidden fruit entice you with their wiles,
    Be strong against temptation: let your heart not be beguiled

    When Good is trampled underfoot and dignity disdained
    And virtue scorned and criticized, let not your honor wane.

    When love is hated, truth ignored, and wickedness is pardoned,
    Remember Truth and Love are real: let not your heart be hardened.

    And in the darkest depths of night when ghoulish things awaken
    And fill the blackness with their cries, let not your courage be shaken.

    But most of all, beware the blind who think that they can see.
    Heed not their hollow battle cries, and do not be deceived.

    For when the world comes crashing down,
    And evil, death and sin abound,
    The things of earth will fail and fall,
    But God will triumph over all.

    Be not afraid.