• Blond pixie cut hair and a perky personality
    Spotless grades and clothes, all just a formality
    My incognito to make sure no one can see
    Just how terrible I can really be

    Ditsy blonde is my false pretense
    But cruel b***h is my real defense
    When people look past my lies
    And peer into my cold dead eyes

    My mind swirling with gossip and rumors
    Filling my head like cancerous tumors
    Tormenting my dreams and turning them sour
    Every scrap of information fuels its power

    Biting my lip and keeping malicious words in
    Replacing honesty with lies, a deadly sin
    Yet if I don’t I’ll hurt those who I hold dear
    Pushing them away forever I fear

    With a sword for a tongue and fox like quick wit
    My opponent promptly turned to an annoying twit
    I must always be the victor, even when close to defeat
    My comebacks and insults are my invincible fleet

    Every vicious battle leaves my emotions in a wreck
    The path back to mental normality is a perilous trek
    I find that each time I travel the well worn path
    It keeps getting harder to diminish my wrath

    The internal compass that guides my way
    Is spinning and twirling leading me astray
    I follow along like a fish follows bait
    Unknowingly entering the mouth of hate

    Bitterness and sarcasm slowly drags me to my knees
    The tormentors in my head are who I must appease
    But to transform back into whom I was before
    I ought to let go of the cruel ‘defense’ I once opt for

    I place my shield down and retract my crisp claws
    Sit back and deeply ponder over my many flaws
    Trying to decided how to get my life back on track
    Hopefully the old me will soon come running back