• There's always one person who is always going to be there. A person that will never leave you. They'll never break your heart, hurt you, or lie to you. They're the only one that you can never say no to, push away, or forget. I've found this person. He's a friend that will hold on to me forever and never let go. He's the one that will catch me when I fall. He's the one that I can kiss and never fall in love. He's proof that not all guys are the same. He's the one that treats me like no boyfriend of mine ever will. He's the one that will cancel all of his plans just to be with me when I'm lonely. He's a true friend because when I'm in bed sleeping, he's up all night with the pieces of my heart spread out on the table, trying to fit and glue them back together. He's taught me that true love can't be found with a boyfriend, but instead, with a best friend.

    Alec, you'll never be forgotten and no one will have my heart other than you. It's for you and only you.