• Soaring,
    Sky high with arms stretched wide.
    The wind through your hair as you sweep by the world's wonders.

    Great towers, statues and monuments,
    Created by man, destroyed by nature
    Who keeps all life in balance.

    She aligns the sky with the Earth,
    Keeps men on the ground.
    But not me,
    Who soars the air.

    As I plow through the clouds,
    Fluffy and white,
    I notice a din of gray in the distance.

    As I fly closer
    It grumbles and flashes,
    The danger has begun.

    The rain pours down hard,
    Blurring my vision.
    Thunder roars and lightening flashes,
    As I stop in the center.

    I feel myself falling,
    Unable to stop.
    The gray whips by with lightening that follows.
    As the far Earth grows visible,
    I realize the end is near.

    I speed up as the ground seems so close,
    But suddenly,
    I slow.

    As I float to the ground, now calmly,
    I look above to find bright cloth.
    And as the cloth comes down,
    I find comfort,
    And disappear into deep darkness.