• Sometimes our love is found in our heart's core.
    But soon It'll leave out the front door.
    Some say it's hard to find.
    But it's a possibilty they might be blind.
    You might think you have found the one
    But truely you've found none.
    You spend your whole life searching
    But really there is nothing.
    You might say your in love
    But wheres the signs from above?
    You might get struck by cupids bow
    But really are you just a foe?
    Open your eyes and see this so called love
    But still theres no signs from above.
    There might not be love signs
    But they're really between the lines.
    I know this might not seem true
    I'm just trying to give you the clues.
    So be a good kid and listen to this
    Or you'll never receive that kiss.
    Love isn't something you just look for
    You just know it when you feel it inside the core.
    For if i find my love someday
    Heck it just might be today!!!!!!!!


    a poem by Emoblood69