• Another night of endless screaming and horror.
    More choked, hollow gut wrenching groans spilling from my lips untill I am exhausted enough to sleep.
    Another gloomy morning, memories of the night before all to fresh.
    Another day of constant battles, sometimes not strong enough to fight it anymore.
    It's time again, time to shut the lights off and lay my head under the pillow in attempts to keep quiet.
    One last breath taken, trying to prepare myself before it all starts again.
    Hours go by, the same screams and hollow groans never ceasing untill that exhausted state comes for me.
    Sinking, I'm sinking. Into this world of pain, suffering, horror, darkness, and death.
    Another gloomy morning, working to put on the face of lies to keep my true self hidden from watchful eyes.
    Another day, fighting to keep my mask in place.
    Then, suddenly. It happens.
    A light, so bright, surrounds me untill I can't breathe.
    Taking my mask away, knocking down what I thought were concrete walls.
    All I've ever known to do to protect myself, is being taken away faster than I can blink.
    The light, His light is so bright, penatrating me to my very exsistance.
    No, not God. God isn't the only one capable of love and light.
    This light, wears a Dark Hood.
    Just when I think I'm about to be left alone like so many times before, a remarkable thing happens.
    His arms wrap around me, pulling me into a gentle yet feirce embrace.
    Hands so gentle, send millions of shooting stars through my body when a single touch.
    Lips so soft, search for mine. Lips meet.
    Time skips a beat, hearts stop, eyes meet.
    Finally, time resumes it's path as we resume our heated yet sweet embrace.
    Never did I think I would find this again.
    I Don't know who found who.
    But, I'm glad I have you now.
    My Dark Hooded Angel.