• Oh, what will you do?
    Oh, what will you say?
    An innumerable amount of people,
    So delicate,
    Most on the brink of shatter,
    Each lost individual is a troubled soul.

    Oh, what will you do?
    Oh, what will you say?
    Souls ablaze with all but the Man you believe in,
    Human beings who have lost their way,
    Human beings who mercilessly kick you about,
    They tell you just what to believe in.
    So much goes with a troubled soul.

    Oh, what will you do?
    Oh, what will you say?
    The lost don’t like the found.
    In fact, the lost drag you down as well.
    Many indulge amongst sinful pleasures,
    These very same pleasures that don’t satisfy for long,
    Oh, what burdens a troubled soul carries!

    Oh, what will you do?
    Oh, what will you say?
    Dare you believe in what you believe in?
    Should you hide it all away?
    What’s the point in believing if you just hide it all away?
    Oh, such trouble is the troubled soul!