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Heather's Random Babbles
There might be songs, poems, or random comments in this journal. Reader digression...
My feelings bout caring bout other's feelings and gaia bf/gf
It's really long, I know. It's a real conversation between me and some chick in a fishing chat room. If you read it all, tell me if you think I'm in the wrong or not.

l33t3mp3ror: yeah, couldn't think of anything else at the time lol
RockinTheRain: hello
l33t3mp3ror: not much
Sasha41: hey
l33t3mp3ror: hello
xxbaileybooxx: ello moto
RockinTheRain: w'sup?
Sasha41: ntm
katie krayon: hi
Sasha41: aahh, i cant catch ANYTHING!!
katie krayon: me either'
xxbaileybooxx: hey l33t3mp3ror
l33t3mp3ror: hi
Sasha41: i am like really bad at fishin'
xxbaileybooxx: i think your gaia is cute
katie krayon: sam here lol
l33t3mp3ror: thanks
xxbaileybooxx: yupp
Sasha41: me 3
l33t3mp3ror: wow just caught me 2 old boots in a row lol
katie krayon: i think killmedude1 is pretty hott too
katie krayon: jk
katie krayon: cuz all is ee is an eye so i cant tell
RockinTheRain: hey, don't joke around about that, killmedude1 is a beast XD
katie krayon: lol
Sasha41: lol
RockinTheRain: there's nothing sexier than an eyeball =P
katie krayon: XD
Sasha41: XD
xxbaileybooxx: i like you 133t3mp3ror smile
RockinTheRain: lol
Sasha41: me 2
xxbaileybooxx: sasha wanna be friends
l33t3mp3ror: really?
xxbaileybooxx: YES
Sasha41: yeah
Sasha41: brb
xxbaileybooxx: wanna be my gaiaonline boyfriend?
katie krayon: lol
RockinTheRain: o_0
katie krayon: ditto to that
l33t3mp3ror: sorry, not on the market atm; still kinda new to gaia
katie krayon: haha same here!
RockinTheRain: XD
xxbaileybooxx: me too
Sasha41: back, wat i miss?
katie krayon: nm
Sasha41: cool
xxbaileybooxx: im gonna request all you
Sasha41: k
xxbaileybooxx: well besides p5
katie krayon: awww
xxbaileybooxx: 0_0
katie krayon: yay bass!
RockinTheRain: why not p5?
xxbaileybooxx: p3 why does it matter if your new to gaia?
katie krayon: because she doesnt know him
katie krayon: since he dont talk
xxbaileybooxx: and cause hes an eyeball :p
Sasha41: he might not want a girlfriend...
katie krayon: hey dont discriminate
RockinTheRain: so
Sasha41: brb...again
xxbaileybooxx: okay
katie krayon: lol having an eyeball for a head is so hardxcore
xxbaileybooxx: well ill just have to get a different gaiaonline boyfriend
l33t3mp3ror: well, it probably doesn't matter that I'm new; its just that I don't get on that often
RockinTheRain: wow you seem desperate...sorry no offense but how can you do something like that?
xxbaileybooxx: me either
katie krayon: guys are supposed to ask out girls
RockinTheRain: don't you respect yourself enough to get to know a guy before you ask them to be your bf? gaiaonline or not
xxbaileybooxx: but ill still request you as a buddy
l33t3mp3ror: ok, thats cool
xxbaileybooxx: <3
Sasha41: back
katie krayon: hey i really dont want to sound creepy or anything but how old is everyone here?
katie krayon: im 15
Sasha41: 13
xxbaileybooxx: im 14
katie krayon: i dont know if im too old for this or not lol
l33t3mp3ror: you know, all of a sudden I'm hungry for fish... go figure
xxbaileybooxx: i just go on once in a while
RockinTheRain: i'm 16
l33t3mp3ror: lol 18
Sasha41: i am on like every day almost
katie krayon: !!!!!!!
katie krayon: hahaha
RockinTheRain: lol
katie krayon: a 14 year old asking out an 18 yr old
Sasha41: lol
xxbaileybooxx: im a junior cause i skipped 2 grades smile
katie krayon: lol
xxbaileybooxx: jk
l33t3mp3ror: lol
katie krayon: im a freshman v_v lol
Sasha41: thats kind of creepy
Sasha41: the whole 14 askin 18 thing
xxbaileybooxx: i live in china
xxbaileybooxx: lol jk
katie krayon: i know
xxbaileybooxx: i live in japan for real
katie krayon: i live in america and im not saying anymore than that =P
Sasha41: i was going to say
xxbaileybooxx: where do you guys live?
RockinTheRain: i live in pennsylvania, usa
l33t3mp3ror: usa here
xxbaileybooxx: lol im jk again
Sasha41: imin florida, usa
xxbaileybooxx: i FOR REAL live in the usa
xxbaileybooxx: in wisconson
Sasha41: cool
katie krayon: wow thats really far from where i am
xxbaileybooxx: yeah i know
katie krayon: you dont even know what state i live in lol
Sasha41: haha lol
xxbaileybooxx: i know
RockinTheRain: hahaha
xxbaileybooxx: im just saying i know cause you said your far away from where i am
RockinTheRain: eh state, country...just details wisconsin is far away from everyone
katie krayon: haha yeah
katie krayon: so is massachusetts
Sasha41: haha
xxbaileybooxx: so is maine
xxbaileybooxx: haha lol
RockinTheRain: how about new hampshire...and vermont...that's wayy up there
katie krayon: yeah i been to the tip before most broing thing everrrrrr x.x
Sasha41: rolf
Sasha41: *rofl
RockinTheRain: screw it, hawaii is away from every other state in general
katie krayon: yeah
xxbaileybooxx: and alaska
katie krayon: and alaska
Sasha41: yeah, true dat
katie krayon: haha
l33t3mp3ror: yup
RockinTheRain: lol
xxbaileybooxx: united kingdom is farthest :p
l33t3mp3ror: the moon is farther lol
RockinTheRain: actually I think antartica might be
Sasha41: i am from the uk!!
katie krayon: massachusetts is wikked boring tho because its all suburbs except for cape cod
RockinTheRain: ok l33t...you win
Sasha41: how about pluto?
xxbaileybooxx: mexico is fun
RockinTheRain: pluto isn't even a planet anymore
xxbaileybooxx: i know
katie krayon: really?
Sasha41: it is still far..
RockinTheRain: yeah, they dismissed it as a moon instead, and now there's a new planet, i have no idea what it's called, and its at the rim of our galaxy
RockinTheRain: idk, that's what i heard atleast
katie krayon: wow thats cool
xxbaileybooxx: i need a boy friend so once i finish this game im gonna look for one :p i hope my REAL boyfriend doesnt get mad
katie krayon: lol >_>
Sasha41: ploto is now a planetoide, i looked it up
katie krayon: just now?
RockinTheRain: if you have a 'real' boyfriend, than why even bother w/ a gaia boyfriend?
xxbaileybooxx: idk
katie krayon: haha
Sasha41: thats cheatin
Sasha41: jk
xxbaileybooxx: cause i get bored cause my real boy friend doesnt have a gaia
xxbaileybooxx: do you guys have real boyfriends?
xxbaileybooxx: i mean "girls"
katie krayon: no v_v
Sasha41: no, i am single and proud of it!!
xxbaileybooxx: why do you like being single?
RockinTheRain: no, and if i did i wouldn't disregard my feelings for him by getting a gaiaonline bf, that's just wrong
katie krayon: but most of the guys in my school are ugly and mean
Sasha41: i just dont need a bf
xxbaileybooxx: rockintherain i was kidding btw
RockinTheRain: i agree w/ sasha
Sasha41: and i dont like antone right now
Sasha41: cool smile
RockinTheRain: kidding that you had a real bf, or kidding about getting a gaia bf?
xxbaileybooxx: i guess im a loner
xxbaileybooxx: im the only one who has a boyfriend
xxbaileybooxx: kidding about the gaia one
katie krayon: >_>
Sasha41: i have had a gaia bf before
RockinTheRain: then why did you ask p3 to be your gaia bf? what if he said yes, you would ignore the way he felt if you said 'just playing'?
xxbaileybooxx: yeah
RockinTheRain: that's messed up
katie krayon: she got you
xxbaileybooxx: cause i would just be like jk right away
RockinTheRain: that's exactly why you waited for his answer
katie krayon: ...
katie krayon: yeah what she said lol
xxbaileybooxx: yupp
Sasha41: i feel srry for P3 right now...
l33t3mp3ror: luckly, i wouldn't care either way cause I've know that to happen to a couple of friends of mine
xxbaileybooxx: oh what now
Sasha41: well, i g2g, bye guys
katie krayon: bye
Sasha41 leaves the chat.
RockinTheRain: bye
l33t3mp3ror: there wouldn't have been any hard feelings though; I'm usually pretty good at shrugging off that kind of stuff
RockinTheRain: wth are you saying 'oh what now' for? you just admitted yourself that you didn't care for anyone's feelings when you asked him out
xxbaileybooxx: i like p3 better than anyone here cause everyone else is mean
RockinTheRain: cause you're disrespectful
xxbaileybooxx: well at least im not a cry baby
RockinTheRain: oh great come back, funny thing is i'm not crying
marreroboyz enters the chat.
xxbaileybooxx: prove that your not crying
RockinTheRain: where's your proof that i am crying? you don't know me, you don't even know why i'm saying this stuff to you
xxbaileybooxx: yeah cause you dont know me
RockinTheRain: i never said i do
xxbaileybooxx: and ifthis was real life i bet we would be the best of friends
katie krayon: hey rockintherain wanna be friends? (lol sorry its so random)
l33t3mp3ror: well everyone, its been fun but I'm out of bait; cya around
RockinTheRain: i hardly doubt that, i don't like people that ignore other people's feelings
RockinTheRain: sure katie
RockinTheRain: bye l33t
katie krayon: cool
l33t3mp3ror leaves the chat.
crystal_strudel enters the chat.
RockinTheRain: irl and on gaia i respect other people, i don't do stuff that would hurt other people's feelings
RockinTheRain: now is an exception cause i can't stand people like you that don't give a s**t about other people
RockinTheRain: sorry if my cursing has offended anyone, by the way
kilmedude1 leaves the chat.
loveya987 enters the chat.
katie krayon: hasnt offened me at all
xxbaileybooxx: okay yeah so i dont have feelings for my real boyfriend?
xxbaileybooxx: thats cause i like you katie
xxbaileybooxx: but i dont like some people who swear
katie krayon: im staying out of it
RockinTheRain: w/e i'm done w/ you
xxbaileybooxx: oh and rockintherain i dont like my friends?
RockinTheRain: i never said you didnt like your friends or your bf
xxbaileybooxx: well you just said i didnt care about other peoples feelings
RockinTheRain: i said that you don't respect other's feelings based on the fact that you disregarded what your bf would think by asking some guy out online
RockinTheRain: then you said you were jk and what about his feelings? what if he really thought you liked him? you would just reject him and play it off as a joke
RockinTheRain: it's disgusting how you would just ignore things like that
xxbaileybooxx: oh and how old r u?
RockinTheRain: 16
xxbaileybooxx: do you think your my mother or something?
xxbaileybooxx: yeah when your 16 i wouldnt be acting like a 5 year old
xxbaileybooxx: i bet your havent even had your period yet
katie krayon: ???
RockinTheRain: how am i acting like a 5 year old?
RockinTheRain: what cause you can't stand someone telling you off?
loveya987 leaves the chat.
xxbaileybooxx: no cause you still care about feelings sooooooooooooo much
Kee-Baby enters the chat.
xxbaileybooxx: this is you " it's not nice to hurt other peoples feelings" blah blah blah
RockinTheRain: cause i CARE for people, i had a friend who ******** commited right in front of me
crystal_strudel: hi people
RockinTheRain: so yeah, it's not ******** right to hurt other people's feeling, b***h
RockinTheRain: hello
katie krayon: hi
crystal_strudel: how do you 'catch' the fish?
RockinTheRain: go ahead and think i'm immature for telling you off, idc, but you need to know that its not right to hurt other people's feelings
katie krayon: it tells you
katie krayon: or it should
marreroboyz leaves the chat.
bluedreamer101 enters the chat.
katie krayon: omg i looove your chickie its soo cute ^_^
crystal_strudel: the fish got away
bluedreamer101: thanks
bluedreamer101: i have two
crystal_strudel: lol, that's all it says
katie krayon: yeah you have to keep the fish in the red lines
xxbaileybooxx: who ever said i didnt care about peoples feelings?
crystal_strudel: ok
crystal_strudel: if I see any red lines I will
katie krayon: by moving the mouse in the opposite direction the fish ois going
bluedreamer101: who wants to be my friend
katie krayon: i dont even know you yet >_>
crystal_strudel: i will, anyone can add me if they'd like to
crystal_strudel: that way I can talk to ya'all more often
xxbaileybooxx: no one add p6
RockinTheRain: i'm sorry everyone that came in and saw everything i said, i shouldn't have let my anger get a hold of me
RockinTheRain: oh that's mature, everyone no, don't add me, i'ma psycho b***h who cares about other people's feelings so i told p2 off
bluedreamer101: i just want nice friend s hopfluy ill make by the end of the game
xxbaileybooxx: so maybe i did
xxbaileybooxx: you just swore and you said sorry for swearing
xxbaileybooxx: and then you do it again
katie krayon: im sorry but why are you pointing out things that have nothing to do witht he fight
bluedreamer101: thats really not good
xxbaileybooxx: talk2hand
katie krayon: how?
katie krayon: im ont he computer
xxbaileybooxx: brb
RockinTheRain: alright i'm done w/ you, you've proved yourself how you don't care what other people feel

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 20, 2007 @ 03:24am
holy hell you kicked her ars WOOT WOOT

commentCommented on: Tue May 22, 2007 @ 08:52pm

If I ha dbeen you I woulda done the same thing. I hate when people are like that. and especially since a 21 on here asked me out and I'm only 14 and he didn't even take time to ask my name or anythin else -.-;;; yeahhhh not cool.

besides that, it's not cool to disregard other's feelings either. os one more cheer:



Community Member
Blood of Those Fallen
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 10, 2007 @ 05:48pm
i agree with u peoplethink it wont hert anything but some people kill themselfs because ofwhat people say tothem and peoples feelingsarent something to be messed with

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