New Avatar - Juiblex
So today I decided I was a little tired of the "hands full, cute look", so I changed my avatar. Actually, I changed it twice (three times, if you want to be technical). My first change was to one similar to my current one. It didn't have the Mythic Hair, the Lunar Scythe or the Emo Bag. Instead, it used a Demonic Pendant and Demonic Pitchfork, with the Kitsune Mask. After about 5-10 mins of use, I reverted to my original "hands full, cute look" (the 2nd avatar "change" wink . Few minutes later, I tektek'd my current avatar and bought the Mythic Hair to make it. I was somewhat inspired by a D&D demon by the name of Juiblex, which is a slime-like demon with lots of eyes, but no face (he's also called the faceless lord). Although I'll miss not wearing my Kitsune Mask, I feel it looks better without it. I may remove the cloud and buy another shadow spirit, but I'm unsure at this point.