That night I either didn’t sleep very well (still) or had strange, strange dreams (what else is new). This one was different from its predecessors though. This one had the same vibe as that half remembered talk with that Ger guy dream.
In this one though I wasn’t talking with anyone, there was just this calling.
Someone wanted me to come to them… and when I wouldn’t, they settled for ‘come and let me in.’
I wouldn’t do that either. I had siblings to protect and I felt letting in the caller would be very bad.
The call continued but a key was needed to unlock the door and I’d hidden it. I’d bricked it up under something heavy after the twins were asleep so they wouldn’t know where it was and I couldn’t lift it from its hiding place without help.
I’d been as careful as I could but knew somehow that this wouldn’t be enough. Someone could get in if they REALLY wanted too. And I felt the caller wanted in and he’d (he’d?) get in no matter what.
I was ready to fight but I had no strength. It felt like it was draining out of me, like I’d gotten a mortal wound or something. I slumped, buckled to my knees in the dream and lost track of things.
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I plan to jsut stick down random thoughts... useful bits I've picked up or random new things I've learned. Right now a friend has put me onto to answer some of my questions. So far there's a lot to look thru but i still haven't found ou
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