I've updated my profile again. This time, it's a "big update".
• Background color changed from light blue, to a shade of purple.
• Header changed to something made by me, instead of something made by someone else.
• Posts, guilds and store links are now graphic buttons, in the header.
• Changed "Cruciarius' profile" font.
• Added a graphic under "Cruciarius' profile", which the nav is placed around.
• Removed the journal section from the content area.
• Added a graphic button to my journal, in the header area.
• Extended the multimedia play list section.
Like it? Dislike it? Find a problem? Let me know.
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Cruciarius' Journal
[ Art: 25 | Signs: 17 ][/size:3650a1e621][/align:3650a1e621]
[ Art: 25 | Signs: 17 ][/size:3650a1e621][/align:3650a1e621]