EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK! This book is sooo freaky! im reading Ghost Hunt by Shiho Inada and Fuyumi Ono. From book 1, it was really funny, but book 2 was really creepy. I can say this to the world scream AUGGGGHHHH! (shivers) book 3 she pulled a sword from her mouth.... like this..... oh yeah she was a ghost.

ill finish this tomarrow.... because my dad is going to bed so i cant proofread this. bye!
ok, i could hardly sleep.... in such a WENIE! (crys silently) oh yeah it wasnt a sword, oh no, it was a frekin syth! EVIL!!!

Thats not even the worst part!(ekkk faints) gonk while she was pulling it out....(squirms) she cut her bottem lip..... BLAHH! gonk burning_eyes then it dripps through her eye ball and through her hair. to dripp to the floor!(you have to take to mind... that im a wenie and the fact that this a manga.... if u do not know what that is... then ure a LOSER and this is read from left to right in picture.... so we see every seen..... in drawing.... (falls out of chair) bye scream PEEEEEEEPPPPSSS!!!!! twisted xp
picture for thought