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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening Chapter 11 part two
((gah! poor lee! she was nearly raped! thank god for those fighting skills eh? whell the hunt for the spy is on!))

Part 2

Kjeldor and lee rode on..the bitter memory of her near sexuall attack ran through lee's head much to her displeasure. now it seemed that her trust would be a hard thing to aquire..and the only one she could trust..was the man she met only three months agoe..that strange man..who seemingly apeared out of no where. she smiled slightly..the strange man who didn't pass judgment about her disguise and saw right through it..but she senced..that kjedlor was an honerable fellow..worthy of her highly guarded trust..unlike that damned doctor.
The cold wind whiped at her head were once her short blond hair lay..but she cut it all off..nothing but stubble was left. kjedlor lightrly held onto her sides as they rode toward the front lines..and now..kjeldor saw..the horrors of war. As soldiere and knights fought eachother in a struggle to surive. the loud clanging of sword and shield rang in his ears. As the smell of death , blood and smoke nearly nausated him. A loud craching sound of a cannon ball buring itself in the ground killing one of the enimie soldiers..lee was all too familure with such.
thousands upon thousads of knight fighting, or injuired being carried off the field, lee jumped gracefully off her horse and drew her sword. A cannon just then hit the ground near her, just missing, the horse began to panik and buck, lee grabbed it by the raeins, calming it.
"ok so i gotta carry ya to this talk lanky fireheaded guy" said kjeldor looking for the guy
"there." Lee stated pointing in the mans general direction, she swiftrly threw a knife at an enemy that was behind kjeldor hitting the man sqare in the head killing him instantly. "pay attention soldier!" she demaned to Kjeldor as she sheathed her sword. "now..lets get this over with." she pretened to be injured and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Kjeldor droped off the horse and swiftly picked up lee and began to walk towards the man. The red headed lanky mand smiled wickeldy as he saw Kjeldor cary lee to him, he motioned for Kjedor to come still holding his sword out suspiciasisly. "Who the hell are you?" he questioned
"Neutral bounty hunter hired by the other side to capture the other general and bring her to you" replied kjeldor coldly.
he smiled "Damn..your good..follow me and quickly! throw her a cloak over her and hide her face! if her soldiers see their precius high general being captured they will certainly kill us..act like your carrying the wounded.."
"got it" said kjeldor throwing a illusionary cloak over lee so it looked like a cloak was around her to everybody but kjeldor and lee lee could still see and escape easily kjeldor followed the man.
"come on hurry!" he hissed as he ran over to a wagon. "Bind her..and put her in here.." he said as he watched to see if any of the soldiers have noticed.."hurry!"
"got it" said kjeldor as he put a illusionary bind on lee and put her into the wagon.
he man quickly got up on the front of the wagon. "You sit beside her, pretend you are treating her wounds..." he hissed excitedly a wide smile began to spread on his face. His was excited by the thought of his plan working..
kjeldor jumped in pretending to treat her wounds but keeping his awarness up.
he then clicked the reains loudly, and they traveld at full gallope, to the other side..finnally reaching the enemies castle..Lee began to stir, waking up, she pretended to struggle against the binds..
Suddenly the binds became real as did the cloak and kjeldor cast a silence spell on her so that she couldnt speak.. a tiny 3 colored orb in his left hand concealed.... kjeldor continued to wait to reach the king.
"silence!' shouted the spy as he kicked her forcefully, she grunted and curled up in a ball, he then grabbed her by the arm. "Stand!" he demaned. Lee gazed at him with her cold peicing blue eyes, at first refusing, he kicked her agian. "Stand up!" he said making her rise forcefully. "he said get UP!!!" said kjeldor grabing her forcefully by the arm sending a energy charge through her body and trying to pull her up.. Lee got up wincing in pain..gazing at the both of them coldly, as she rose holding her head high. "Come on." the spy said as he grabbed Lee by the one arm. And led them into the castle.

Kjeldor continued to drag lee to where the king was. The spy silently dragged Lee into the large castle, and the walked through a number of long hallways, Everynce in a while Lee would struggle against both mens grasps, only to be put into fake submission. They finnaly brought her before the king. Mathew bowed low. "Your magaesty i have returned with the high General herself, General lee Draco." he stated as be bowed low, a wicked smile spread across his face. The king who sat proudly on his thrown smiled bostfully at Lee.
"Well this is what the rose kingdom gets for putting a woman in charge." said the king laughing wickedly.
"yes we have brought to you there general" said kjeldor letting go of lee and taking the cloak off the real binds tightening so she couldnt get away the silence spell taken away. The king smiled. "Well done, you two shall be greatly rewarded for your work." he stated baostfully.
Lee didn't answer she stared definely at the king..MAthew then hit her on the back with the blunt edge of his sword harshly. "Bow before your new king!" he demaned. Lee winced in pain but stood somberly.
"I said kneal!" he demaned even louder, as he put his then pushed her roughly to the ground, she fell with a loud thud, and when she tried to get up, Mathew put his heavy boot on her back.
"Yes and about my pay i like to be payed upfront to avoid getting screwed Ten Thousand Upfront and thats all i need walk straight out the door straightedge deal done" said kjeldor the king nodded understanding he snapped his fingers and two servent left to go get Kjeldors pay..
The binds were cutting into Lee's skin, her wrist bled, she seemed deafeated, weazing under the heal of Mathews boot.
The king leaned forward. "Although i must admit High General, You are a most worthy foe, hundreeds of my men have died, only a reported ten have died on your side. It is a great honor for me to have captured you." he said with a slight smile. Lee spat on the ground. The King shot up clearly appaled by the lack of respect. "I was going to be mercifull and let you live here with us as a political prissior, but now you leave me no choice." he said as she walked forward drawing his sword.
"Do have any last word High General of the Rose Kingdom?"
Kjeldor watched the king lazily and uncaringly. The servents bought back a treasure chest filled with gold and such and layed it at Kjeldor feet. lee said nothing, she felt her binds bite at her skin, she loooked over at Kjeldor with apparent distgust..and said nothing. "what the hell? where is my share?" questioned the spy.
"You recieve nothing mathew..since it wasn't actually you who captured the high general. Then the King grew angry and fustreated by her disobedience. "Oh perhaps you wish to die,of course how could i have froggoton you are a knight after all! It would be more dishonerable to live in your eneimies castle as a constant reminder of your countries faliure?" he said his face turning red with anger.Lee said nothing and just spat on the ground again. "you will yeald to my will!" he shouted. "Have you any last words?"
"well" said kjeldor snaging the chest and putting it on his shoulder holding it with one hand and walking over to matthew"nice working with you" he said claping him on the shoulder before turning to leave and walking about 10 ft away.
Suddenly without warning the spy attacked Kjeldor, "This is suposed to be my reward not yours!" he cried out wielding his short sword. the king ingored him. lee finnaly spoke.."have mercy.."
((to be continued! bwah hah hah!))

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