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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening Chapter eleven part three
((heh heh..i love keeping the lot of you in suspence..you know..how come now that my journal is finnally working no one reads it? sweatdrop oh well..for those who will read it in the future here is the last part of the chapter for ya!))

Part 3

The spy rushed at kjeldor thrusting his sword at him, as the king taunted little lee, who finnally spoke. Giving kjeldor the single..hopeing to god that when he saw the money he didn't forget about her.
The sword thrust through kjeldors chest a blank dead look in his eyes suddenly kjeldors body turned into a poof of smoke and when it disipated a single lock of golden hair fell to the ground.. a small orb exploded on the spys shoulder where kjeldor had touched him breaking the binds on lee so that she could now move and attack at will and kjeldor appeared behind the spy inch long needles coming from his fingers in both hands he put a full nelson hold on the spy jabbing the needles into his neck peircing his spine and draining his strength and will to live at a alarming rate and began to fatigue him extremly fast as well "GO LEE!!" shouted kjeldor to lee with telepathy.
Lee quickly broke free of her binds and reqched out her hand and called for her sword, her sword came flying through the air, she grabbed it by the hilt, and stood deifinely in foont of the king giving him a wicked smile. She then thrust her sword at him and they began to fight, the soldiers came to attack lee to protect their king. But Lee pushed them back with her magic. "well now.." she stated almost sedutively, "How the tables have turned." she said as she knocked the kings sword out of his hand and tripped him and held her sword to his throught.
"Yeild." she demaned.
Kjeldor took the energy he had stolen from the now semi paralysed and dying spy and shot in in waves of magic at the guards plummeting them into the wall leaving kjeldor lee and the king there.
The king looked baffled as he looked up, "this is..this is imposible." he stated
"Didn't i tell you to yeild?" she questioned as the tip of her blade cut into his skin.
The king thougth for a moment.."I yeald.." he stated stuberonly.
"Send a messenger to the fronts, tell your men to yeild." she breathed
The king looked up at her still in shock. "NOW!"
the king nodded to one of the servents and the servent left.
Just then a bunch of the Rose Knights unundesguised themselves joining in the raid.
The king looked up..
"But how.."
"rule number one...Always know your enemy." stated Lee victoriusly, as the knights went over to the king and bound him in chains.
"stay here with him, the rest of the soldiers will be in this town in a day. Well i'm sure that you and my king will work out some sort of treaty from there." Lee stated.
"just tell me when your ready to go lee...." said kjeldor a little sadness in his voice as if doubting what he did to insure the plan went well was such a good idea and thinking of lees reaction to the plan.. he fliped the chest up onto his shoulder and began to walk out. lee walked out behind him, as the enemy guards looked at her hatefully, she ignored their stairs and continued to walk beside him. She wrapped her wrists in cloth to stop the bleading but said nothing to Kjeldor. A rose knight handed her the riens to a horse, she quickly alighted herself on to it. "I'm ready." she stated rather dryly.
"im sorry i did that lee without consulting you first... i was worried because spys are usually super smart and can really screw up a plan so i had to make it look more realistic till the very end to make sure the plan worked out... i see reason for you to hate me and not be friends with me anymore for risking things like that... and as for the gold i got it as a donation to your country not for personal gain" said kjeldor"i understand completly if you dont forgive me..." said kjeldor
lee looked at him, with a slight frown.and punched him across the face...then she began to laugh. "hah hah ! Got you! that what you get for hitting me so damn hard." she said smiling with a slight wink. "Don't worry about it Kjeldor, realy. You did what you had to do as did i." she stated rather frankly. "Come on, tonight is a night ment for celebration! " she stated as she kicked the side of her horse. "the war is won thanks to your help. How mad could i possibley be at you?"
kjeldor couldnt help but laugh" i dunno i mean most leaders woulda been like WHAT THE F#$^ WERE U THINKING GRUNT?!?! 30 DAYS IN THE HOLE!! or something like that i dunno but your the one who got the enemy to yeild and it was ur original plan" said kjeldor brushing off where lee hit him smiling. lee just smiled . "Nah i could never do that to you, besides. Thats why i called for you, to pull off my plan. i needed a neatraual party to bring me in, you were perfect for the job.I couldn't risk you seen fighting in battle beside me, otherwise they would have known it was a trap. " she explained. "you did good Kjeldor." she stated
"eh... still have to admit i was worried bout it" said kjeldor"only way i could make myself not show it was acting like i was bringing in a real bounty so i did that well point is the plan worked out and its fine now" said kjeldor"and damn talkbout kicking a** u had the king down to his knees in like 5 seconds" he said rather impressed with lee's amount of skill.
Lee laughed and blushed a bit at the complement. "yeah well a month of war will do that to you." she stated with a slight yahn shrugging her shoulders uncaringly. Her blush soon disapated. "Come on, lets get back to camp. I need a drink." "heh and yea that sounds kinda good " replied kjeldor with a smile. 'look at her, acting all humble..if i were in her place..i dunno what i would have done..i wonder if she even relizes just how well she did?' he mused.

Dono waited back at the encampment bored when he suddenly heard the victory horn blow..he stood there in amazement..."What realy? wow.. perhaps lee's better then i thought.." Kjeldor and lee soon arived and Lee was surounded by thousands of chearing men. She smiled as she alighted off of her horse, and was was picked right back off the ground and lifted on a soldiers shoulders, she blushed violently. "Put me down Damnit! That's an order!" they ignored her as they did the same to Kjeldor. Kjeldor smiled as he was lifted up"aw come on lee ya just won a war there all just happy" said kjeldor"ya did a great job" he said
lee blushed in obviose embarisment. "yeah well.." she stated as the soldiers brought them both into the bar. And put her and Kjeldor down. The men all shouted and congragulated her excitedly. "geeze realy you guys.." she said rubbing her neck stressfully still embarised as hell. the put a mug of aile in her hands as well as Kjeldor.
"To High General Lee Draco!" they shouted as they drank, lee let out a deafeted sigh and drank with them.
Dono watched them pick up Lee and eneter the bar silently..he found himself blushing when he saw her, his heart skipped a breat with joy.."damn...she's good." he stated as he enetered the bar. Kjeldor took a short draught of his drink and set it down and tipped a vial of multicolored powder into to it and took another sip"ahh much better" said kjeldor the mug of ale now smelled sweet like the drink kjeldor had offered lee long ago. lee just smiled. As the soldiers offered her and Kjeldor a seat.
"To the bounty hunter!' stated one. "If it weren't for him, then we might have realy lost our High General." STated the eldest knight abouve the shouts of the men. "A truly Honerable man deserving of the High generals trust." He said
"To the bounty hunter!' they shouted as they drank again. Lee drank her cup, and patted Kjeldor on the back. "thanks." she stated
a line of crimson was drawn on kjeldors cheeks"thanks lee and your welcome" said kjeldor as he took another draught from his mug. Dono enetered in the cabin quietly and sat whis eyes rested on lee as she drank..he was slightly confused at the new emotions he was expierencing, and found himself jelouse of Kjeldor.... They loudly laughed at kjeldors obviouse embarisment, just then Lee was given a small letter from one of the men, she opened it and read it siliently...She then stood back up and bowed poilietly to her soldiers, "I'll be right back." she stated kindly.
"man lee every day since i've known you every day since weve been friends every day i see you just get tougher and tougher and just.. im simply impressed ive never met someone quite like you lee" said kjeldor to lee. Lee just smiled at Kjeldor as she left. "you go on ahead without me gentelmen." she stated, fealing her skin turn red as she slighlty Blushed at Kjedlors compliment. "thanks.." she replied "I think." She said rather embarised as she exited the bar.
suddenly a beeping came from kjeldors arm"gah why now?? i have to go for a bit too ill return as well" said kjeldor as he made his way out of the bar going a slightly split route from lee. Dono meanwhile stayed in the bar and watched them silienlty..
Lee stood outside and saw Emily a little distance away.. She let out a slight sigh.."geeze.." she rubbed her neck stressfully.
kjeldor was about 30 ft away as a little speaker opened on his arm to hear"hello??" he said "oh its you hi alexis" said kjeldor
Lee walked up to emily slowly. "miss emily.." she stated.
Emily stopped her before she said more.
"i know what it is your going to say general Lee, and it's alright i aready know that you are a woman." she stated a soft blush touched her cheaks.
"Miss Emily,that wasn't what i was going to say... does it make you happy to feel this way for me?" she asked rubbing her neck
"Well umm...no..umm i find myself wishing you were a man."
she stated blushing some
"Miss Emily, i'm not here to tell you how to live your life. but if it makes you unhappy to love me, then don't. You're a realy good person Miss emily." she stated
"and i believe that one day you will find someone who when you love them, your love will make you happy."
A tear ran down emily cheak she bowed her head in embarisment....
lee walked up to her and whiped away her tear.
"What about you General? Do you ever think you will find such?" she asked, blushing slightly at Lee's soft touch...
"i'm afraid, not..." she stated..My heart...it belongs to the dead.." she stated rather sadly.
She looked up at Lee with a questioning look. "then i will pray for you, that one day..when you are ready you will find someone, who can rescue your heart from the dead."
Lee just smiled. "Save your prayers..for yourself. Miss Emily." she said as she softly hugged her. "My blessings on you." with that Lee let Emily go and walked away slowly, back into the bar.
Leaving Emily Alone, a tear ran down emily's face and then Emily turned and left.

"yea i havent heard from you in a while either.. really?? your being let on into the hunter team? excellent! 2 weeks training eh?? thought u only liked the assassins life.. and i bet i still know ur favorite color haha ok ill talk to ya later bye alexis" said kjeldor the speaker sinking back into his arm.. but he had paid attention to lees conversation as well as he began to make his way back into the bar. Dono sat in the bar gazing at Kjeldor coldly.. kjeldor continued back to his seat"back lee" said kjeldor
lee enetered the bar silently, the men all gave out a loud chear. she smiled at them weakly. They offered her a seat reverenlty she sat down, and she drank a mug of aile all in one swift gulp. lost in her own thoughts..
"u alright lee? " said kjeldor"ya dont wanna over do it" Dono then came and put his hand on Kedlors shoulder, "with all due respect, i believe our truce is over." he stated coldly as he stated at lee, he then turned and left the bar.
kjeldor glared at dono for a moment then turned back shrugging uncaringly .
Lee didn't answer..she let lose a defeated sigh..she was rather tired..
"Speach! Speach from the general!" the soldiers demaned
"What shall we drink to next high general?" they asked. Lee rubbed her brow stressfully suddenly awakened form her own thought, she stood and held out her mug of ail witch had been refilled. Silence filled the room...she finnaly spoke.

"Let us drink gentelmen to love,
A most worhty foe.
it knows your every weakness.
when it leaves you it leaves you bleading

To the impossible foe,
who picks and stalks it's prey,
and then leaves it half eaten.

To the overpowering pretitior,
that none can defeat!

To love,
who leaves the prey...
wanting more. "
With that she drank, the men all cheared, aloud "to Love!" they shouted. Lee sat down weakly.

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