I told rain what I had found at the Sanct and I promised her that I would kill him. She begged of me not to for he was still married to him and she still liked him. I agreed I wouldn't kill him but I didn't know how long I would be able to keep my words. I satyed with rain and help her recover for the bad news. Seeing how much this effected me, luv rethought about what she did. One night she came into my office and told me that she was sorry about what happend between us. I told her it was in the past and there was no more need for apologies. And then thats when I heard the words I thought that I would never hear agian. "I want you." I asked her what she meant and she told me after seeing me be so kind to rain she really saw how caring I was and didn't want to be with anyone else but me. My lips ment hers once more, and finnaly after a couple of months we were back together again, but sadly it wouldn't last that long...
Hawk the hunter · Fri Apr 28, 2006 @ 11:04pm · 3 Comments |