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Jinx's Daily Journal Just me personally going on about stuff!

Community Member
8/1/14 - I'm Back!
Actually, I've been back for a few days. My vacation was nice. You can read about it on my tumblr, /tagged/vacation. 0u0 Today, I'm getting a bed. I've been sleeping on a couch for over a year now. I have sorely missed having an actual mattress. Really, I have. I'm extra excited. That also means I have a lot of work to do cleaning up my room. I hate cleaning. -n- It's really exhausting to me.
Otakon is so, so soon. I'm getting super nervous about it. I mostly have my cosplay put together, but I can't help but stress out. Something always goes wrong with these things. We've been planning this for almost a year, though! We even got reservations at the hotel right next to the convention center. I'm going to be meeting some friends I haven't seen in a long, long time. I can't decide if I'm more excited or nervous.

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